Blessed Hands that lie Unseen

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Oh the blessed hands that lie unseen
Upon my shoulders; shielding me
With anointed hands they have leashed my Flesh
As one body we are gathered; in Your Spirit, enmeshed

Oh the blessed hands that lie unseen
Rebuking the Enemy's buffeting wings
All is calm though a war rages above
Unseen warriors present intercede for love

Oh the blessed hands that lie unseen
Ever encompassing; ever praying
Pouring their mind, soul, and strength
Calling our King to send His grace

Would I be more grateful
If I could see
These blessed hands
That guard unseen?
Yet by His grace
I will walk by faith
My God goes before me
Treading on these waves

Oh the blessed hands that lie unseen
Anointed and anointing with God's grace
Holding chained that which comes naturally
Interceding and driving back temptation's ways

Thanksgiving and praise I give to the One
Who sent these hands to shield me from harm
Their cup, in turn, may You over fill
And help me to delight to do Your will

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