Forgive Us our Trespasses

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~A poetic reminder of our Heavenly Father's Beauty, steadfast Love, and Healing in His weak, but redeemed children

Ah Father God, Your beauty has been ruined
And evil has put forth it's false claim
Your daughters have in doubt and deception, turned
And are blind to what they wear, these chains

They make them, but cannot break them
And what they make, they create power to use on others
Many are ignorant, and many know
They mislead their friends and brothers

Ah Father God, Your picture has been marred
Yet You are in control
Why do I stare at this blasphemy done to Your art
I am a traitor and a fool

There they are, lined up and presented before my eyes
Why does my heart long for such false bliss?
Because there is a speck of truth within these lies
That I was meant for something similar to this

Ah sisters, you show much of yourselves
In body and in spirit
Such gifts were meant to stay unwrapped
And unopened until your marriage

Ah brothers, we create false images
Such is our leadership; and it leads our sisters astray
Away from the path of purity; that we should treat them as “things”
We are their stumbling block in turn; for we approve of their way

Ah Father God, heal the hurt
Release the captive and bind up the wound
In the shadows of shame, daughter and son alike, lurk
We will trust in Your promised faithfulness, that You will come soon

For me and mankind, I plead Your healing
From what we've done to Your work
Your forgiveness for what we've marred
And the image of true beauty, we've spurned


I will pursue and fight for better days
Fighting in the strength He perfects
Knowing You never forgot my place
But have promised to preserve Your elect

Far be it from You that You should preserve
The sinner in his sin and unrighteousness
Yet You promised You would guide and return
Using what we have sown, to Your glory
By You, we are being perfected

May we take true, pure pleasure in each other
Daughters to brothers, and sisters to sons
May our eyes be upon You Eternal, Steadfast Father
And may we be one as You, Savior, are One

May we take true, pure delight in each other
Friends to friends, and sister to a greater place
You are not affected; You have forgiven
May You see the treating and entertaining of Your art
In better days

We cannot redeem, only You can
Only You are able to save us men
We glorify and praise in Your loving plan
The true joy and delight of Your beauty and salvation
On us, once more

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