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I clothed myself in defeat
Then could not lift my eyes to His mercy seat
Shaking, choking with shame
I dare not exalt His name

The memory is but a tape replayed
It's screen that fills my gaze
Not knowing who I am now because of the past
I fall and flail endlessly, no cord to grasp

Because I did not quench the stench of my Flesh's breath
But let it burn to make me turn
My heart's pace to race
Instead of stilled to discern
I could no more approach for I no longer deserved

Yet He, as Promise stands by
I am pierced and held by His eyes
Though man fades, His Word abides
His Faithfulness rings truer than my lies

Unworthy am I and ever remain
Apart from Him; to die is gain
Death to what I feel
He is worthy, He is real
Though I was (and still feel) clothed in shame
Of greater power is His blood
And louder is His Name

Promise inserts itself and disrupts my world
In this cage I remained, dried up and curled
Refusing to let go of me, though I let go of Him
He is greater than my fears and faults
So I will put my trust in Him


Put off the rags of shame and defeat
My prodigal Son, whom I've run out to meet
And take up again My Sword and put on My mantle
I have pulled you onto My path ahead
Of where you left, for the thorn and the bramble

With the everlasting joy of salvation, I crown your head
Your sorrow and sighing far away have fled
Your sins, removed, buried deep from your shores
Now rise up and ride with Me again
Onward to war

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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