The death of an evil Kiss

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The death of an evil Kiss
Who can withstand?
Of seeming lovely, comfort bliss
Builds a foundation of sand

The death of an evil Kiss
Why do we long for it's touch?
We are snared with this twisted picture
That is not pure or true love

The death of an evil Kiss
Help me Father through each night
That there is something more and better than this
Give me faith to wait and sight

The death of an evil Kiss
Who would have known it would be so tempting?
Truth is mortal heart and soul's insanity
When we love it's destruction and wrecking

The death of an evil Kiss
Why do I long for it?
To desire less and now than what I have been promised
A foreign image together be knit

The death of an evil Kiss
How cruel and swift are it's blots
Then like vapor and phantoms they fade away
And we're cursed for what we sought

The death of an evil Kiss
I disdain for the beautiful smile
I will to will not leave this road in stony ground to rest
But journey the unknown miles

The death of an evil Kiss
Father, may it truly die and perish
Help me more and more to cling to You
And all Thy promised word, cherish

The death of an evil Kiss
You promised me you and the world
Truly, I will deny what comes naturally; for it is fallen
And will trust in His ancient word

The death of an evil Kiss
How could I so soon forget?
More is it like to ignore the fact
That we before have met

The death of an evil Kiss
In my eyes she was lovely and in submission sweet
But when I had accepted her once again
I found the same, unchanged greeting

The death of an evil Kiss
How poisonous are it's lips!
Bitter is even the knowledge of them
A just reward, we bear their whips!

The death of an evil Kiss
Oh truly if it were overturned
That death would die along with the dark
Yet forever must it be fought and spurned

The death of an evil Kiss
Oh Father, may I truly be Your son
Focusing on all that You have taught me
Trusting; that We might truly be One

The death of an evil Kiss
I will save mine for my bride
For I am Christ's; and Christ is mine
God's Promise truly lives

The death of an evil Kiss
Whatever on this you've heard
Remember and grow in the power of God's Word
For a prudent and godly wife, will be this man's bliss

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