15-Minute Compromise [a Lifetime]

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(set to the Prophet Joel & Psalms 139, 51, & 25)


Forgive me Father
For I have quenched Your Spirit
I have embraced a stain that will last a lifetime
By a fifteen minute space-moment of compromise

I ignored Your voice; rebelled for my own choice
And embraced that which You hate
Delighted in sin, for which You suffered
And despised that which You've promised and prize

In Your mercy, my King, convict my heart
Do not let my mind grow calloused and hard
In Your mercy, do not give me over to my ways
Wipe away my sin and sanctify me of my shame

Surely I have disqualified myself
By my willing failure in this test
I cannot preach anything on this world's health
For I have bathed in it and the Flesh


You have called me:
"Turn to Me with all your heart
With fasting, weeping, and mourning
Return to the Lord; for who knows
If He will turn and relent
And leave a blessing behind, outpouring?"

You have assured and proven Yourself
That You are gracious and merciful
Slow to anger, and of great kindness
Have patience with me
And in Your mercy, refine and redeem

In Your mercy, do not give me over to my ways
Nor become hardened or lost from Your grace
Be gracious, not so I can continue in sin without consequence
But that by Your help, I might be purified as Your representative

Because I would not listen
And held to my own deeds
I have given great occasion
For this world to blaspheme God

I have loved those who hated You
And approved those who have risen up against You
(I have not followed in Your zeal)
Or embraced Your blessings
Those whose deeds You have hated
I have not counted as my enemies

Search me, O God, and my heart, know
Try me, and know my anxieties
And any wicked thing within, expose
And (in Your mercy and salvation)
Lead me in the way everlasting

In me, O Father, create a heart that is clean
And renew a steadfast spirit within me
Do not cast me away from Your presence
And from me do not take Your Holy Spirit
To me, restore the joy of Your salvation
And uphold me by Your generous Spirit

When in Your faithfulness and grace
You hear my confession and sanctify me by Your truth
Then I will teach transgressors Your ways
And sinners shall be converted to You

"Let me be in affliction, pain, and anguish over my sin
But turn Yourself to me and have mercy
And forgive all my sins
For Your name's sake, Faithful & True, for Your name's sake
Pardon my iniquity, for it is great

Good and upright are You Lord
Therefore You will teach sinners in the way
The meek You guide in justice
The meek You teach Your way
All Your paths, O Lord, are mercy and truth
As such as keep Your covenant and testimonies
(The testimonies of Your faithfulness and truth)
Show me Your ways O Lord
Teach me Your paths
Lead me in Your truth and teach me
For You are the God of my Salvation
And on You I wait, all the day"

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