Victory, with my back to the Enemy

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When I was met with temptation in the night
And I swore, "I will not sin with my eyes"
You said, "I will keep him in perfect peace
Whose mind is stayed on Me"

I vowed that I would not turn aside
Giving place to lustful thoughts in mind
Yet You turned my attention to what I should see
To not dwell on this but rather focus on Thee

"You will keep him in perfect peace
Whose mind is stayed on Thee"

My heart beat as I lay in striving
To avoid uncleanness from sin's conniving
But You showed: The Truth will set me free
When my mind is stayed on Thee"

I was so focused to avoid the crossing
To shut my ears at the Enemy's knocking
Yet all was made to go away
When You showed how I should pray


To win the battle sometimes is to be backward
My back to the Enemy and my face looking forward
To lift up my eyes and before anything, confess first
That my help is from the Lord; the Maker of Heaven and Earth

I face the Enemy by giving my back to him!
Placing my eyes on Glory, I'm not blinded by sin
I will not be caught in the piece of truth: "This is sin. This is wrong."
I will embrace it all! "To God Most Glorious, greater fulfillment belongs!"

I will not simply hold my shield and hide my eyes to what will hurt me
To take refuge in my own effort to withstand the tempest-disease
My strength is best and more sure my conquest
When I despise the curse by seeing how much You bless

I resist temptation and avoid sinning
When I look on You and see You as fulfilling
Not only my prayer and supplication, but also with thanksgiving
For I have a reason and assurance to take heart in the land of the living

Like Hezekiah of old, when he was surrounded by the Assyrian host
And came to God's temple and laid before Him their words of boast
So I will find victory, not in self strength or resolve
But in my Father and Savior, to whom all dominion and blessing belong

To Deceiving-Need: "As the heavens are high above the earth
So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him"
To Partial-Truth-to-Lie: Yes I am alone and in want but
"The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth
He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him"
Even the desire to be delivered and fulfilled
"Now consider this you who forget God, lest I tear you in pieces
And there be none to deliver
Whoever offers praise glorifies Him
And to him who orders his conduct aright
To Him will be shown the salvation of God"

And thus, O Lord, in thanksgiving I find victory
For in Whom is the enduring blessing found
I avoid their snares, not by watching the ground
But in lifting and setting my eyes on Thee
And thus, I have Your perfect peace

...and find this burden of struggle is taken away

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