My Cry from the Flesh's Tomb

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(set to “Lazarus” and “In Reverence”)

To You and You alone
I cry out, O Lover of my soul
Beyond this tomb’s stone
From death’s emptiness I seek Life’s full

Into my castle
A foreign heart I’ve let
Place its silken shackles
O annul death’s covenant!

In the night I lie in defeat
Yet You remain on Your mercy-seat
Your justice that would lock the iron gate
Has been fulfilled; Christ’s blood has paid the way

Only You can bring forth to bless
From what I have conceived to forget
Though loud is the “Aha, aha” of hell’s conquering hounds
Yet even in Sheol’s depths, Your songs of deliverance will surround

Come, O Shepherd, and seek me out
Buy back Your wandering and faithless spouse
Let Your wrath bring my enemies to rout
And bind the strong man of this house

Though this tomb I’ve chosen
It is not the end for me
Though rightfully wasted and broken
My God of mercy shall again redeem

His servants of earth and heaven He shall bid
To roll away the stone of my consequence that shut me in
And to the Father’s glory He shall call me forth to live
And give His robe of righteousness in exchange for the rags of my sin

What wondrous love is this, O my soul!


Here in the morning, by His Word, I stand
He who hath loosed me from death’s bands
Like Samson, I have seen my desire on my enemies
For my God of mercy has come to meet me

O tender, redeeming Father to this wandering prodigal
You who have renewed my heart by Your promises’ gospel
In merciful faithfulness, continue to teach my soul’s eyes
To be fixed in faith on You my Savior and in Your Word abide

I do not ask You to continue Your molding
That a crafty heart for strength’s fame be boasting
No; the reason why I ask You to blot this page and redeem my story
Is only so that I might be saved and You alone be praised with glory

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