His Right Hand will Break these Bonds

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They tell me it's a mind-problem
But it lies underneath my skin
In my heart; in my self
Buried and born deep within

O if only a sword could reach it
Yet even death could not claim
To separate me from the unclean
And rid me of this shame

Though it lives, more alive is God's Word
Powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword
Though locked in the heart; His Sword will reach it
Piercing even to division of my soul and spirit

No creature of Hell or of His design
Can stay hidden from His sight
All things are naked
And open to His eyes

O God, remember my frame
See that I'm but dust
In You I will not be ashamed
For You are merciful and gracious

Look down from Your sanctuary
Regard those of mere breath
To hear the groaning of this prisoner
To release he who is appointed to death

May I be able to see
Your goodness in the land of the living
Your faithfulness to all generations
In these I will believe, and not lose heart

Father, forgive me for the many times I doubt
That Your Spirit and Promise would ever come about
To deliver and shield me through
My present wants and fears

A faithful, eternal-sacrifice; Savior
Does not deserve such an answer from His redeemed
Lord, I am dark within
If You are willing, You can make me clean


I feel I am bound by their hands
Savior, I submitted myself as a sacrifice
Unto their altar
I sit in darkness; bound by iron bands
In affliction and in the shadow of death
My heart has faltered

I cry out to You in my trouble
Save me from my distresses
Bring me out of the shadows
And break these chains in pieces

Let grace be given
Enabling me to remember Your grace
And to give You glory
Giving thanks for all Your goodness
Your wonderful works to the children of fathers!
Having broken the gates of bronze
And cut the iron bars in two!

Oh, give thanks to the Lord
For He is good!
For His mercy endures forever
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so
Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy


Make me to know a greater fulfillment
To this desire, than what my hands achieve
Numbing has been this abundance
And comforts of this Flesh, deceive

The Flesh against Your promise, ever hates and strives
Speaking, especially to my want, in whispered lullabies
Deliver my soul from death and my feet from falling
That I may walk before You in the land of the living

We all need a Savior
No other hope than Him, stands
Cause me to wait on You
That I may grow and understand

For what I cannot have
I take second-best as my own
Yet it is death and it drives me
From His riches to prize worthless stones

I love my Savior because He has heard
My voice and my supplications
Giving ear to my words
And considered my meditations

Be gracious unto Me, Savior
Not just to my sin but to my need
Truly, You open up Your hand
And satisfy the desire
Of every living thing

I need not achieve this seeming goal
Nor let distress become my truth
Return to your rest, O my soul
For the Savior has dealt bountifully with you

I shall take up the cup of salvation
And sing to the Lord a new song
Lord, truly I am Your servant
You have loosed my bonds



"To whom then will you liken Me
Or to whom shall I be equal?
Says the Holy One
Lift up your eyes on high
And see who has created these things
Who brings out their host by number
And not one is missing
By the greatness of His might
And the strength of His power
And He calls them all by name

Why do you say, My son   
And speak, My daughter
'My way is hidden from the Lord
And my just claim is passed over by my God'?
Have you not known?
Have you not heard?
I, the everlasting God, the Lord
The Creator of the ends of the earth
Neither faint nor weary
My understanding is unsearchable
I give power to the weak
And to those who have no might, I increase strength
Even youths shall faint and be weary
And the young men; utterly fall
But those who wait on Me, I promise
I shall renew their strength
They shall mount up with wings like eagles
They shall run and not be weary
They shall walk and not faint

You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth
And called from its farthest regions
I said to you,
'You are My servant
I have chosen you
And have not cast you away
Fear not, for I am with you
Be not dismayed; I am your God
I will strengthen you
Yes, I will help you
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand
I will show you the path of life
In My presence is fullness of joy
And at My right hand are pleasures

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