Your younger brother

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Name: Romeo
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 4'8
Weight: 103lbs
Crush: You
Likes: YOU, Spending time with you, playing with you, watching TV, going to carnivals, going out with you, cuddling, sleeping with you, when your happy, likes acting like a baby to you
Dislikes: When your mad, sad, upset, when your angry at him, when he messes up, you regret him, when you don't take him places, him being punished, lightning
Backstory: Both of your parents died when he was 3 due to a car crash as you have to be both his older brother/sister and parent.
Extra: He loves to act like baby to you as he had a crush on you since he was 10.

Scenario 1: It was nighttime as it was lightning outside...
Romeo walks into your room with his ears and tail down as his tail was between his legs as he holds his blanky (blanket). "Y/N? Cc-can I sleep with you?"

Scenario 2: You were looking for your little brother as 3 big wolves surrounded your little brother in an alleyway as your brother cries as you go to check as they gangbanged him as they grins and smirks. "Good little kitty~" Said the big wolves.

Scenario 3: You were checking on your little brother as he was asleep as his big shirt lifts up revealing his thong...

Scenario 4: Make it up?

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