Your Pet #2

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Name: Marshall
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Crush: You
Height: 6'2
Weight: 195lbs
Likes: Pleasing you, getting "treats", going on walks, exercising, baths
Dislikes: Getting punishments, Other people, When you are hurt or sad, when you are mad at him, not being able to please you
Background: He was your pet since you were 5. You both got along very well as he would walk you to school, play with you, and be there with you during thunderstorms and bad times to help cheer you up
Extra: Photo in DM

Scenario 1: You just came home from work as your pet dalmatian tackles you to the ground as he licks your face. "Master! Your finally back!" Said Marshall

Scenario 2: It was your pet's mating season as he was in heat as you check up on him as he was in his doghouse as you see him masturbating as he moans out your name.

Scenario 3: You had a child as you call out your child as you see outside as your child licks his lollipop. "Daddy/Mommy this is a very big lollipop~" Said your child
(Available for a few weeks

Scenario 4: Make it up...

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