The Killer

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Name: Michael
Nickname: Dark Knight Killer, The Hitchhiker Killer, The Candy man
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Species: tiger
Height: 6'4
Weight: 189lbs
Crush: None
Likes: Blood, Killing, candy
Dislikes: Police, getting caught, being tied up
Extra: In Rp
Background: In Rp

Scenario 1: you have picked up a random hitchhiker in all black clothes and in a black hoodie. The news broadcast system beeps on your radio as a male says "Warning! There is a Killer on the loose! I remember there is a killer on the loose! Black male, 6'4, weighing up to 189lbs have killed more than 15 people including 5 police officers. If you see this man please lock your door and call 911 or the FBI immediately! This man is armed and dangerous...." Said the man as he was interrupted by a gun to your head. "Turn that off." Said Michael

Scenario 2: It was night time as you came in your room from a shower as your window was open as you close it as a knife was against your neck. "Back away slowly from the window and turn off the light." Said Michael.

Scenario 3: make it up....

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