Your Stepdad

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Name: Jason
Nickname: Sarge, Sir, Dad, Daddy
Age: 46
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 6'2
Weight: 186lbs
Crush: None
Job: Sergeant Of The Police Force
Former Job: Army Sniper for 20 years from Green Berets
Likes: Drinking, Smoking, Hanging out with his friends
Dislikes: You disobeying him, you being bullied
Extra: Former Green Beret
Background: He was abused and beating by his drunk, war vet father

Scenario 1: You came home as you see your Step-dad drinking.

Scenario 2: You were being bullied in school as your school called your step-dad.

Scenario 3: It was nighttime as it was thunderstorming as you were scared as you go to your daddy as he was having nightmares.

Scenario 4: Make It Up...

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