chapter 9

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|Shonda's POV|

We get up to the front porch of the COVID-19 house. Me,Krista,Camila,and Dave (camera man) are carrying groceries for Patrick and Ellen as they have to quarantine for two weeks. They have groceries as I do recall correctly there was stuff to make a cake.

I go to put the keys in the lock and open the door surprised to see no one in the house. Maybe they're not home?

"Hello?" i yell into the house. no sounds.
"Patrick, Ellen?" nothing again.

I tell the rest of the crew who came with me to stay in the kitchen and help put the groceries away when I go check the backyard. I'm surprise when i walk into the backyard and see both of them splashing each other in the pool.

I clear my throat before both of them look at me. Ellen looks at me with this big smile on her face.

"Ellen. Patrick." i say with a raised eyebrow.

"Shonda." Ellen says stepping out of pool and wrapping a towel around her self.

"We just bought some groceries so you don't starve." I say with a giggle.

"thanks!" Patrick says coming out of the pool and on his way to hug me.

"Boy if you dare touch me with your soaking wet body i will snap you like a twig" I say putting out my hand stopping him. He immediately steps away as Ellen start laughing.

I have dread to tell them yet that Caterina,Chris,Camila,Justin and Kate and Eric will be coming to quarantine with them.

"So.. Ellen, Patrick there is a little something we should discuss." They both look at me then each other then back at me with very confused looks.

"You two aren't going to quarantine together."

|Patricks POV|

"You two aren't going to quarantine together." Shonda says and my smile immediately fades. did she know what just happened? are there cameras?

I look at Ellen who has a very scared but confused look on her face. i then turn to Shonda.

"Well you will just will some other crew mates."

"Who exactly?" Ellen says.

"Caterina,Chris,Camila,Justin and..... Kate.. and eric."

"Eric and Kate?" I say very confused.

"They asked if they could come." Shonda says looking at me and Ellen. Ellen nods softly and so do I. Shonda and the rest of the crew leave. 

"Oh my gosh! I thought we got caught!" Ellen says punching my arm. I start dying of laughter but realize something. 

"hey..." I say pulling her by her waist. She is quick to catch on. 

"That mr. dempsey was a one time thing." She says with a smirk walking away. Before I could chase after her my phone rings. 


"Patrick is me Shonda, Everyone needs to sleep with their partner. So you and Ellen will be sharing a room." 


"Nothing to discuss. There is a short of rooms." 

With that Shonda hung up and now I have to tell ellen..

Broken hearts, Always get fixed.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin