Chapter 33

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I unlock the door and when I walk in, I see something I didn't think I would ever see...

(Ellen's POV)

"WHAT THE FUCK!" i say as i see Rosalee on top of Patrick kissing him.

"ELLEN!" Patrick says pushing Rosalee off him. He starts to walk towards me but i quickly back away. "El.." he sighs. "it's not what it looks like i promise." He said while taking a few steps closer

"SO IT DOESNT LOOK LIKE YOU WERE JUST MAKING OUT WITH MY DEAD EX-HUSBANDS WIFE!? OR AM I GOING CRAZY?" I said while sobbing. How could he do this to me.. Why am i the only one who ever gets hurts here. His face reads apology- He is trying to read my face but it's hard since all the tears are rolling down my face. Rosalee is now standing behind Patrick trying to talk to me as well.

"Rosalee you need to go- NOW." Patrick says. Rosalee doesn't put up a fight and walk out of the house while Patrick closes and locks the door behind her. He makes his way to me and hugs me ever so tightly. Like is he is going to lose me.. Which. Maybe he will be.

"el. look what you saw- Well i cant debate that. it looked wrong.. It did. But i can promise you i did nothing, Rosalee came here. she had a shower. she drank tequila and scotch. i heard you car pull up so i was walking when she grabbed my arm and pulled my down onto the couch and started kissing me. I promise i did not kiss her back i was trying to push away but as you seen she had my arms pinned... el please.. don't do this."

i wanted to trust him.. But. I can't... i don't know if i can.. i know what i going to do is hurt him.. but. what i just seen- I need space

i reach for my hand and slowly start taking the engagement ring off my finger. He turns his head so i don't see him cry. I grab his hand and hold it up as i slowly drop the engagement ring in his hand.

"I need space... please." I say with tears in my eyes. He turns his head to face mine once again- i can see the pain in his eyes. He leans down and places a kiss on my lips, I want to pull away but i can't.

This kiss is different it doesn't feel like a welcome kiss or a warm kiss... It feels like a goodbye kiss.

A/N: Yeah yeah i know this chapter is short and sucks but i'm in class and totally forgot to upload yesterday but i will update more when i get home! <3

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