Chapter 44: Wedding Party Pt. 1

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Ellen's mind was full of lists and plans for beautiful words. 

But one word was overrode all the other more poetic ones: Latte. She knew she'd make no headway on any of the lists and plans unless she addressed that one more prosaic word first, so she changed course as she made her way across the Universe of California campus, heading towards her favorite cart to get her fix. 

There were a couple of students on line ahead of her when she got there, so she bounced on the balls of her shoes while she waited, both to stave off the damp California morning and to focus her mind as she tried to order her thoughts. There was papers due, and emails to write, but the thoughts the predominated in her mind were all about the new Patrick, the little upstart to her day everyday. 

A lanky frat boy in a backwards baseball cap was surreptitiously watching Ellen as she bounced and fiddled in the line. She was wearing her signature look, some high-waisted jeans and a black bodysuit. Her mid-length caramel blonde hair was loose with curls running down her back. Although her expression was distant and eyes unfocused they were still bright blue and the frat boy couldn't help but appreciate the view. Of course Ellen was oblivious to the attention, as always, to distracted by all she had to do and all she had to accomplish. 

When it was finally her turn she leapt forward, slamming both hands down on the edge of the coffee cart in her enthusiasm and caffeine-fueled desperation. 

The middle-aged man working the cart smiled at her, "The usual Ellen?"

"Yes!" she groaned dramatically. "I need a latte in the worse way, Fred. A huge one!" 

Fred chuckled as he scooped an extra dollop of milk foam onto Ellen's latte, just the way she liked it. "You eat this morning?" 

Ellen scrunched her nose and shook her head as she placed her bills on the cart and stowed her wallet. "No time, I'll grab something later." 

Fred shook his head and slid a bagel across the counter next to the latte. Ellen opened her mouth to protest, since she hadn't paid for it, but Fred held up his hand to silence her. "I don't want to hear about it, You can pay me by eating it." 

She smiled and took a bite. Her whole body tingled in response to the taste and she figured she was much more hungrier than she realized. "Thanks, Fred. I needed that," she muttered around the mouthful of bagel. "See ya tomorrow!" 

She waved at Fred over her shoulder she she strode briskly away. The frat boy behind her paused for a minute, swiveling his head to watch her go, until Fred cleared his throat loudly and fixed him back with a disapproving glare. 

A/N: Ok, Sorry this is short but I wanna save my time writing my last few chapters and I want them to be shorter, if that makes any sense.   


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