Chapter 10

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With that Shonda hung up and now I have to tell ellen.. (Still in Patrick's POV) 

I don't know how Ellen is going to react. Me after all with what just happened. I felt butterflies in my stomach walking up the stairs to Ellen's- Well now Ellen and I's bedroom. I knock on the door lightly before I hear her screaming come in. 

I walk in and can't see her. I assume she is in her closet. 

"Patrick Im in shower, Is everything ok?" I hear her say I step closer to the closet door. 

"Oh- Ok.." I clear my throat.

"I'll be out in a minute, You can wait. Or can you control yourself?" I hear her laugh while she finishes her sentence. 

"I can control my self" I say in self defence.  She laughs at my statement. I want to prove to her that I can so i walk in. 

"Patrick Galen Dempsey what the hell!" She says. 

"I told you i can control myself." I say with a grin. 

I turn around to look in the mirror while I see her step out with a towel already around her. She is a fast one. 

"Hm, Good boy." She says at she pats my shoulder. "So what do you need to talk about?" She says moving in front of me to brush her teeth. 

"oh- Uh, Shonda said we need to share a room.. There is a shortage of rooms. And since Caterina and Chris are coming and they are couple- They get my room and Shonda thought it was civil you and me just share a room and I told her you-" I started rambling. 

She put her pointer to my lips in a tempt to stop my rambling self. "Patrick. You were rambling." She says. 

"sorry.." I say looking at the floor. 

"It's fine! Can't wait to share a room with you buddy. Let me get some clothes on then I will come over and help you." She replies with a smile.

I start to walk out of the bathroom when my arm gets tugged and i take a step back almost crashing our lips together. 

"You forgot this." She says handing me my phone. 

I take my phone from her hand and walk out so she can get dressed. 10 minutes later I here her step out of her room and enter my soon to be old room. 

As soon as we settled the last piece of clothing into the dresser of Ellen's and I room the front door opened and all we hear is "GUESS WHOS HOME!" I figure the voice is Eric and to my suprise it is. Ellen and I rush downstairs to see everyone walking in couple in couple. Everyone is a couple now... Except me and Ellen. 

(time jump 8pm now Ellen's POV) 

Patrick, I and the rest of the cast are sitting in the living room watching movies. Chris goes upstairs looking awfully tired I yawn and Patrick turns to me. 

"You tired?" He says smiling. 

"kinda but I don't wanna go upstairs."  I say back. he chuckles and hold me closer in his lap. I look around and see Kate looking at me with a cutesy look on her face her face almost saying 'aw'. I give her a death stare and she immediately look away. 

(Patrick's POV) 

I look down and see a sleeping Ellen in my arms. I can't help but smile. I look around at everyone and see everyone has either drifted off as well or went upstairs. I set Ellen down on a pillow, I get up and walk over to Chris and Caterina who are sleeping arm and arm to wake them up and tell them im bringing upstairs and going to bed myself. I wobble a little due to being drunk but manage to get Ellen and myself upstairs without getting hurt. I lay her on the bed and wake her up. 

"el." I say softly. She stirs but doesn't awake. 

"el." I say a little louder and she wakes. 

"Hm, What-" She says wiping her eyes. I can't help but throw a small laugh at her sleepy self. 

"You need to change into some pj's." I say going to the dresser to pull out myself some pj pants and a shirt. 

"to tired.." She says sitting up. I chuckle and throw my shirt at her. I can tell she is too tipsy to even get dressed. I walk over to her and take off her sweatshirt and pull my shirt over her. 

"there." I say with a smile. She stands up. 

"what's wrong el?" I say generally worried, I know she was drinking but she didn't have that much to drink. She runs into the bathroom and vomits everything, She never have had a high tolerance to hold down alcohol. "el!" I hurry into the bathroom holding her hair back and rubbing her back. 

"Im okay.." She says standing up. "I just want to lay down with you." She says. 

My heart starts to pound. Did she just say... Im pulled out of trance as Meredith grips my arm to brace herself from falling. 

I get her into bed and walk to get in the other side before she grabs my hand. 

"no. stay. here. lay behind me." She says almost asleep. "Are you sure El?" I say. "yes, Just come."

I lay behind her and cuddle up to her letting her small snores send me to sleep myself. 

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