Chapter 8: Tubular Bells Part 2

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"Darling, you did what?"Cecilia said still having a friendly smile, though the dark aura around her says otherwise, but also when she suddenly had a black spear (the Abyss Flower) in her hands.


"P-Please calm down, my dear! We can talk about this later, and don't forget that we have some guests!" Valentine said to Cecilia as she was approaching him with the Abyss Flower in her hands. 

Cecilia stopped and looked at their guests who were all a bit scared by her.

"I guess you're right, but that doesn't mean that you're off the hook ^^," Cecilia said in her friendly and kind voice putting the spear away and returning to her seat with a smile. The President on the other hand let out a sigh of relief before regaining his posture, giving his guests his attention.

"So you made to my place. I'm surprised that you managed to defeat D-I-S-C-O, I haven't expected that." Valentine said to his guests.

"Thank you for the recognition, Mr. Valentine," Otto replied in his calm voice.

"Anyway, you must have some questions, am I right?"

"Of course! And the first we want to know is if you could share the blueprints of the technology you have!" Tesla exclaimed in an uncommon excited voice.

"Frederica! You-" Einstein wanted to scold her friend for her rudeness but got cut off by the President.

"Stands are no technology, so there are no blueprints," Valentine answered.

"And how did you and your guardians got theirs?" The red-haired girl asked again.

"It would take too long to explain, but to at least name it, Stands are given by a natural phenomenon in the USA, called 'Devil's Palm'."

"And where is this place?" Otto asked the President, seemingly interested in the powers that are different from the Stigma's the Valkyries use.

"That's something that nobody knows as this phenomenon appears randomly at various points." 

"I see, but I guess you experienced this phenomenon, right?" The Overseer replied.

"I experienced it, but I didn't have acquired my Stand from it as I inherited mine from my father many years ago," The President openly stated.

"Mr. President? Could you perhaps tell us what your 'Stand' can do? See, on our way to your manor, Kiana got shot, and as you just admitted that you shot her too, but that we didn't saw you must have something to do with your 'Stand', but also we heard from your wife that you saved them from a nuclear attack," Mei asked the President in a meek voice.

As the dark-haired girl asked this, Valentine shortly thought about it, but he then decided to explain his powerful Stand when Cecilia spoke.

"Darling, that's something that I and Sirin also want to know."

"Fine, I will tell you about my Stand, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap or D4C for short."

As he said this, the Valkyries, the three Anti-Entropists, as well as Cecilia and Sirin carefully listened to him.

"My Stand's power is... Allowing neighboring worlds to exist simultaneously in the same location. That's my Stand Ability. 'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap'." 

The President's guests looked at him with confused looks as they don't understand what this means and even the two smart scientists of Anti-Entropy couldn't get it.

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