#4 ||JOHN|| Request

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This is for Enchancer97 .

Thanks for waiting, and I hope you enjoy this. It took me a while I'm sorry, I barely get the chance to write.

And 'Dear John' is up! 😊 give it a read.


#4 || John || request

The sound of your bag filled to the brim with school textbooks seemed like a loud bomb as it hit the floor.

"What the fucking hell?!" You say out loud.

Maxwell made quick eye contact before looking down and rolling his eyes.

"Hi." He muttered.

The look on his face suggested that someone ruined his fun. He cleared his throat as he started putting on his shirt that was messily thrown on the floor beside a girls shirt. The strong smell of alcohol made no impact on what you saw.

There was two people on the couch, one of them Maxwell, the other...you had no clue.

"Welp, Lucy, it's time to go." He said at the girl who had turned a sickly shade of red.

She hastily put on her shirt and avoided any eye contact as she scurried past you and out of his house.

Maxwell watched her go wearily.

You looked at him feeling intense betrayal. There was that all too familiar sense of frustration and anger arising; but this time it was amplified by thousands.

"What the hell was that Max!" You say still in the same position you were in.

"Er that was-or should I say- was going to be sex." He said in a mock tone. "You know, the stuff you don't want to do."

You felt the tears threatening to come pouring out. Max didn't seem to care.

For so long now Max has wanted to try something with you, he was well a year older than you at the age of 18 while you just turned 17 . Some nights, he would try and take it too far but you would never let him. The differences you two had were very comical; he smoked-you didn't, he fails most his test- you actually take studying to an account, he drinks and goes to clubs- you don't.

What you two started was still a mystery. One thing was for sure, Maxwell was a sweetheart and he cared for you. That's all it was.

When he first asked you out to the pubs you declined, this bugged Max. You didn't see yourself as a purist, but to Maxwell, it was just a reminder that you still might have a mind of a kid.

"You're willing to hurt me because I won't have sex with you?" You countered back in a desperate tone. A small hopeless thought that he would've denied it or at least looked in pain disappeared as he stood up.

"Look. Just stop screaming at me would ya? I was just trying something out."

"Trying something out?!" You say in rage. "Tell me something Max, how many times have you done this behind my back?"

He stared back at you emotionless as you pursed your lips.

He was watching your reaction closely and wondered upon his next words. Finally, he took a deep breath and clenched his jaw.

"six." He muttered still looking at you.

His answer confirmed your upmost worst suspicions. He didn't need you anymore.

Your eyes were tearing up and you could feel your cheeks start to get pink.

You utterly burst into tears.

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