#12 ||PAUL||

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[1] Quotes and ideas from http://www.meetthebeatlesforreal.com/2010/08/girls-who-got-to-meet-beatles-part-1.html?m=1 Not confirmed to be true. Paul's thoughts are completely fictional.

This imagine was requested by @pinki12345 ! I hope you like it.


#12 ||Paul||

Everyone was tired. Paul looked around the room and took a very deep breath. He then resorted to taking another drag of his cigarette.
How many hours have they spent in that room? Far too many.

George was sitting as still as a statue on the couch. Lifeless and deep in thought, he practically scowled at any reporter that came near him. His friend wasn't full of life like when he first met him. His face has grown weary and he let his hair grow long, looking very dry and brittle indeed. Paul felt heavy, surprisingly not by the tons of reporters and press conference's and fans, but from his mates. Ringo appeared hungover as he lit another cigarette in the middle of an interview with a media man which made Paul inhale his even more. Then there was John. Paul was growing very very worried for his friend. He could see it. He's grown thinner, and the fine lines of aging and stress were becoming more prominent in his otherwise young face. John was weakening.

Paul thought that John, or any of them never expected this whole thing to grow to what it was now. But it was too late to go back. They wanted to continue on making music and this was just part of the package. It was killing everyone.

"Em, Paul?"

The media man was nervously hovering over the tired Paul McCartney slouching on the couch. His notepad was ready at the word and he was eager to get his answers.

Paul looked up at the man and didn't say anything. He wasn't being brash but he didn't want to do another interview. He just stared at the man, waiting for him to say something.

"I'm Aidan Lonatt, for the Times. Do you mind for an interview?" He asked.

There was an exchange between the two men. Paul was staring at the guy, just wanting to knock his glasses off. He couldn't do one more interview. Mr Lonatt stared back at his notepad for a second and looked at Paul unsteadily. Paul didn't want to offend him, he was being selfish, after all this was a media day. Well, Paul took a deep breath and sat up straighter, squishing the last of his cigarette into the plate.

"Take a seat." He mumbled.

The interview went on and Paul tried to give Mr Lonatt some decent answers, but he couldn't. His attention was on his friends.

Oh John, he was on a stool, writing something. He doesn't joke around as often as before, and whenever he did it will always fall short with his eyes. Paul wondered often what was going in John's head sometimes. The girls weren't much of a pleasure anymore. The fans were getting out of hand. This was a breaking point. But it couldn't be here already? He barely sees John smile. He wondered if there was still light for them.

When Paul answered the last of the questions he thanked the man out of politeness and sunk back in his seat. His attention was brought to the door as a lady came in, trying not to bring attention to herself. She seemed shy, Paul thought. She wasn't an interviewer. He sat up straighter and observed you more closely, there, he saw a camera laced around your neck. A photographer.

Your very first Beatle photo assignment and it wasn't that much of a joy. Just like the fan you had just spoken to earlier, you thought that the boys weren't as they were advertised, in a more unnerving way than a disappointing one. After watching Help! everything seemed to have been all fun and easy going with the group. You often thought that their days consists of endless joking and partying, at least that's what you saw of them. Until now, you finally understood. As this was your first time seeing them, they seemed dispassionate. The mood around the room was bad. Then in one instant, it was like you grew up. That idea of screaming and crying when you saw them suddenly seemed unreal. You at once realized, they're just humans. They wrote great music, recorded and performed. That's all it was, there was absolutely no need for you to act like a rabid animal towards them. That's when you grew up, and that's when Paul noticed.

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