#16 || RINGO||

551 26 2

Requested by MrsElizabetStarkey

sry. very cheesy.

Photo not mine.


You fidgeted with your hair as you stood outside the bedroom door. Breathing was starting to become hard to tone down once you left the bathroom. You needed to tell him.

But why was it so hard.

He'll be delighted! Just go tell him! This is Richard Starkey. You told yourself.

You heard your conscious snap back at you. But what if he isn't. You two weren't married. He wouldn't want to drop his career just to get married to you. He wouldn't want to do what John did.

The worst possible outcome had hit you. He would send you away. He would get rid of you.

You backed away from the door. Ringo wasn't ready. He was in the prime of his career and you were going to ruin it.

Plans of running away started forming in your head.

You're being incredibly difficult. Just tell him. Are you just going to keep it a secret forever. Even though he is in no shape to be a father, you still have to tell him. Even if he doesn't care, even if he sends you away.

Yes. You will go in there, tell him as cooly as you can, and walk out if he doesn't say anything.

That would be your signal that he doesn't want anything to do with the baby.

It will save both of you the pain of facing each other in the future.

You ran your hands through your hair, just so you can get them to stop shaking.

Wait, what are you saying. You're already thinking of leaving him? Have you no little faith in this relationship. Ringo wouldn't do that. He would be scared, but he would be delighted either way. It's not like he will force you to get an-

" y/n. Why are you talking to yourself?" You jumped once you heard the voice. You stopped pacing and turned around and almost fell once you saw him leaning against the doorway looking at you very worriedly.

"Ringo!" You say feeling the fear return. "I-I need to talk to you" Your voice was growing weaker by the second.

"Well come in then." He said putting out a hand for you. You took it gratefully, treating it as if it were the last time he would ever want to hold you again. You savoured the moment.

He let go of your hand and plopped down on the bed. When he saw that you remained standing with your head to the floor, he asked. "Is there something wrong?"

Silenced crept upon you as you bit your lip and tried to calm the pounding in your chest. "Have you ever thought about a life...different from this?" You say looking up at him. He looked taken aback by the question but calmly replied. "What do you mean?"

You didn't know where your were going. You sighed and realized that your time with him was ending. He will soon find out.

"Have you ever considered...starting a family?" You cringe as the words left you mouth, expecting him to end the conversation. Ringo Starr would definitely never have considered that.

"Yeah, I have actually. But it was only a passing thought. With a life like this, I don't think it's even possible. Now what's going on, y/n?"

You felt your heart snap. Yeah he had considered it. But he also said he thought it was impossible.

You would go with your first plan. You will tell him and then leave.

"Y/N?" He said. You could hear him standing up and moving towards you. Once he placed his hands on your shoulders, you jumped at his touch. A look of hurt spread across his face and you knew you had to tell him.

"I'm pregnant."

You say in barely a whisper. If he was hurt before, it didn't compare to the look in his eyes now. Once you saw them, you closed yours.

"And I understand if you're scared. I understand if you don't want anything to do with me. I'll just leave."

Ringo was quiet. He was very quiet. If that didn't scare you, nothing did. Tears started welling up in your eyes as you tremble at his gaze.

You got your answer. Now you needed to go.

You wrapped your hands around your stomach and turned around to leave, not bothering to make eye contact with him. You walked towards the door defeated. This was your worst nightmare. You reached for the handle and started to turn it, but then stopped.

"Wait. Don't go." He said urgently.

You had a sharp intake of breath as you heard his voice. You let go of the handle and turned around. He looked hurt.

"You think that I will send you away?" He said, his voice wavering in disbelief. Tears were forming in his eyes as he watched you. It was your turn to be speechless. You bit your lip and looked down. That's what you were thinking. He had his career and his whole life ahead of him. Wouldn't it have just been easier for him to make you leave?

There was no words. You could feel his gaze on you the entire time.

"What kind of a person would I be? Is that what you think of me, y/n? Am I that horrible?" He said. His voice felt like another punch to the stomach.

"No. I-I just know that you're scared. You have you're whole life ahead of you." You say. It was a pathetic attempt at trying to explain yourself. You felt the whole world upon your shoulders.

"Y/n, I'm not scared. I'm terrified."

Before you could even respond, you felt strong arms wrap around you.
You came crumbling into his chest covering your face with your hands. His arms lay on your waist as he held you to him.

"I don't want to end up like John and Cyn. I want this to be a real family." He whispered desperately.

He put his hand on the back of your head and placed another long kiss on your forehead. He closed his eyes but the look of hurt was still there.

"I'm so sorry I made you feel like you had no choice. I'm excited to be father, y/n. I'm just afraid"

His words were still being processed. He wanted this. He never thought of leaving you. He thought of himself as a father.

You let out another loud sob as the relief took over you. You held him even tighter than before.

"I'm afraid too, Richard." You said into his chest.

After a while, he pulled back and looked into your glimmering eyes.

"We both are, y/n. But we also love each other."

And in a soft voice, the world seemed to have stopped. The only thing that mattered right now was right here.

"It's simple. That's all there is to it.... Love... is all we need."

-Beatles-                     ||IMAGINE||Where stories live. Discover now