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#5 || George & John || part 1


It was a late into a typical Friday afternoon and you had a sort of headache by the time work was over. You just got out of work and was on your way back home to probably sleep the rest of the day. However, your thoughts couldn't have let you as they kept on wondering off to John.

John had been acting strange lately. He has been putting you off and even ignoring you at times. You have been with him for nearly a year now and all of a sudden he acts up like this.

The brutal thought that he might be seeing someone else lurked in the depths of your mind both at states of consciousness and unconsciousness. You cried silently at times and once even with John.

You remember, what seem like far nights ago, the warm tears sliding down your face slowly while you two were walking to George's. You remember that long, awkward walk where no one said a word.

You let your guard down and let the warm tears fall barely noticing a thing. John saw you in the corner of his eyes and he came to an abrupt stop.

"Are you crying?" He asked, his voice was soft and careful.

You stood there looking at the ground with a blank face. The tears piled up at your eyes, just waiting to fall. They were so dangerously close to going so you didn't blink. You just stood there in front him, staring at the ground.

"What happened Marie?" He asked getting a little impatient. He didn't like seeing you cry and he always wanted to know if someone hurt you, but right here, John knew exactly who was causing the pain.

You raised your head up to look at him solemnly and saw a blank expression on his face.

Maybe it was the sorrow or the guilt that John felt that made him procure such a heartless face towards his love, but John knows that you deserve more.

You stared into his dull eyes and there was no twinkle anymore. He didn't want you.

"What's the matter babe?" He asked with the same monotone voice.

Was he even a little concerned? Did he think of you that less? That less to show he clearly doesn't care.

You stared back hopelessly and started walking away when you realized he wasn't going to stop you.

John stared melancholy as you walked at a steady pace, away from him. He felt tears coming up and his throat swelling.

You were leaving him...and what was he doing? He was doing nothing.

John unconsciously clenched his hands into fist at his sides as he thought of how pathetic he was. He was seeing someone else. She was a model, a mod. She was outgoing and spontaneous and film maker sexy; everything that you weren't. But John fell in love with you, he fell in love with your sincerity, he fell in love with the way that you knew you weren't perfect but he saw perfect in his eyes.

He didn't go after you because he wanted to give you a chance, you're freedom. You deserve someone better than him, he had to stay put.

Step after step you took away from him as he stared in the distance.

You were going and there was nothing he could do.

He had feelings for Lydia as well. He wasn't sure what type of feelings but it definitely was an attraction. And by no doubt, he was shamefully going to keep on seeing her after this, they had a date tomorrow. But loosing you, John could not live with that, even if part of him does love Lydia. But you never deserve this, John thought.

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