#9 || DHANI || cont. 4

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(Earlier that morning)

"Dear, Dhani's cousin just called. He'll be here at around two!" Your mother yelled, waking you up.

Curse him.

You groaned in your bed and looked over to check the time. It was twelve a.m. Dhani was coming in two hours. Not any of you were up at 12 on a Saturday morning, not even including the time to get ready and make yourself look at least half presentable.

You flipped the pillow to the other side and tried sleeping again.

But you couldn't sleep, nervous thoughts kept running through your mind.

It was mostly about Dhani's parents. He's never spoken about them that much and you couldn't meet them anyways.

One day he explained everything, it was mostly confusing but you pretended like you understood. He was living with his cousins to attend school. His mum and dad were currently residing in Oxfordshire and him and his dad came to a 'agreement' or 'compromise' as he would say. He would never had said what the other part of the deal with his father was, but only that he has given him permission to come to school at Leeds.

Revived with the thought of having a drive with Dhani, you got out of your bed and started getting ready. The packed bag in the corner of your room, overflowing with clothing you've brought for your little sleepover weekend.
By no time at all, you heard a car honk from outside and were met with Dhani waving up at your window, eager to start the day.

(In the car)

You turn to Dhani. "Where do you live?" You say with big curiosity.

"Right now? Or..where do I usually live..." He said oddly trying to get out of the situation.

Dhani knew it was stupid.

She's gonna find out anyways.

"What do you mean live 'right now?' You say it like it's temporary..." Your eyes widen. "Unless-" the thought of Dhani moving anytime soon troubled you.

"No, no! It isn't temporary, well it is, but it's not like that. I don't have to move, it's just I can move. My parents move around a lot and now that I'm a bit older I can..."

But it was too late. Dhani already knew that he has done wrong in mentioning the word 'parents', for you were already asking.

"Your parents! Dhani what if they don't like me?"

Dhani rolled his eyes. "Don't be daft, love. They'll love you. Especially my father."


The car seemed to stop after hours of driving. You tilt your head to see if you have arrived. It didn't seem so, you don't remember seeing any houses. Dhani sensed your curiosity and tried keeping his cool. You found yourself staring at a worn down yet beautiful black gate. Behind it was an odd looking building, apparently Dhani's house. It took on a gothic vibe but was very welcoming. What was even wilder was that there was also a road that seemed to go on for miles.

Spooky pretty looking trees framed the scene.

" 'Ello William!" Dhani's cousin said to a man standing beside the gate.

" Rob! Oh and you brought Dhani with you!" He said coming closer to the car.

Robin rolled the window down further.

"George tell you we were comin' la?"

The man nodded. "Oh yes, he said Dhani was bringin a friend too."

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