#9 ||DHANI|| cont.d

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A/N - thank you all for 1k!


#9 || Dhani Harrison || cont.d 1


The whole school seemed to have gotten emptier as the bell rung. Everyone had gone to lunch at the cafeteria. Except for Dhani.

He had left early from second period to go to the office and now he was making his way to the library to escape the glances.

'What a git' Dhani thought as he left the room.

What got Dhani so upset was that the second period speaker called and asked for him to go down. Reluctantly, he did and found out it was stupidly his fathers doing.

His dad called the office to send him down, to see if everything was going fine. It was embarrassing. And it didn't help when all the office secretary's were particularly giggling at the fact that the Beatle had called. Dhani could only sit down in the chair awkwardly as he waited for the phone to ring.

The young boy's rather spiteful thoughts towards his father has been disrupted by the door opening. He looked up and a girl walked in, holding a brown envelope in one hand and a granola bar in the other. They had made quick eye contact before the girl looked away abruptly. Dhani recognized her. She was y/n Dhani thought. He was wondering if you even knew his name, but then again, he didn't want anyone to recognize him..

"Can I help you?" The woman at the desk asked looking very annoyed. You saw on the computer the name Dhani Harrison and something about vegetarian stuff. It was his profile. Was Dhani in trouble already? The secretary caught you staring and gave you a slight scowl.

"Uh.." You stuttered. You felt Dhani's eyes at you the whole time. "I uh..I'm looking to submit my community service hours." You say putting the brown envelope on the desk.

The woman looked at you questionably and grabbed the envelope opening it and seeing what's inside.

On the chair, Dhani was trying best not to eavesdrop. He kept his head low but couldn't help but glance at you through the corner of his eye. That was the first time he heard you speak. Your voice was higher than he has expected since most girls here have pretty low voices compared to girls with the accents. He listened carefully.

"Indian culture service..? Could you define that." The secretary asked looking up from the paper. Dhani's attention only grew. He felt a strange surge in his body at the mention of India. His parents are very keen to Indian culture and they had raised Dhani spiritually into it. He was curious at the fact that a girl like you would be 'into' that stuff.

"Oh.. It was a Hare Krishna festival. I was helping with the little ones with mediation and the er..games." You replied.

The secretary only nodded and put the papers down. "Well, you can leave it here now and go to lunch." She says dismissing you. "Oh Dhani, your father's calling you."

She motioned for Dhani to come over. You turned around and kept your head to the floor as you made it past him. Dhani's interest for you was becoming uncontrollable. But that could wait, because now he would have to hold himself from going off on his dad.

He walked over to the desk and he slowly lifted up the phone from the receiver and put it against his ear.

"Hello." He said plainly.

"Hello, Dhani?" He heard his father say. He took a deep breath and bit his lip.

" Yeah."

"Dhani how are you? How is everything? How's school there? I've never got a chance to say goodbye because you left so early in the morning .."

As he listened to his father speak, he glared at the secretary watching him intently. Why did she have to be here? He thought.

After seeing the boy's glare, the secretary got the message and stood up to exit the room. Dhani peered over waiting for the door to close. Slowly the door shut and he immediately fired off.

"Dad, shut up. I'm fine, why did you send me down here?" He asked.

"What did I tell you about your words son?" His father asked him slightly hurt.

"You embarrass me dad." He says looking around to see if anyone was in the room.

His father took a deep breath at his sons concern. He knew what his kid was talking about and how it affects the whole family. He didn't want his son to have to deal with people who want to know about 'George Harrison'. When it came to this, George had nothing he could do about it.

"Did anyone say anything." George asked after a short period of silence.

"No." Dhani mumbled. "But I'm pretty sure some people are just keeping it in."

"Son, you know I can't do anything about it."

Dhani closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I know." He said sighing.

The room was now in pure silence as the Harrison waited for a response. After a while, Dhani heard a chuckle from the other end.

"Did you make any friends?"

Dhani scoffed in disgust at his father and rolled his eyes.

"Dad. Not now."

"Did you see any cute girls?"


Although Dhani was never going to admit it. A girl did pop up in his mind. He pictured you and your pretty hair.

"All right all right.. There is this one girl.. "

Dhani heard his father chuckle. He couldn't believe he just said that.

"Of course there is." George said.

Dhani rolled his eyes and looked at the time. "Dad I have to go, see you." He says putting the phone down and hanging up.

The secretary opened the door and smiled at him.

"Er thanks" he said before leaving the room.









Did not expect this to be 3 parts. Oh well.

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