#5 ||GEORGE & JOHN|| cont.d

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GIF Imagine

#5 || George & John || part 2


"John's off with someone else."

Those words hit you like a bullet. In fact, they left you motionless and numb as they only confirmed your utmost worst suspicions.

"Wh-what?" You say at the ground furrowing your eyebrows. You felt the tears starting to come and you raised your hands to your temples.

George was studying you carefully and it broke his heart to see you breaking in front of him.

You looked up at George hopelessly.

He stood there, eyes on you the whole time watching his world fall apart in front of him.

Tears started falling down your face as you stared at George.

You looked down and started weeping in a more drenching affect. Sounds of your pathetic sobs filled the room.

George's heart aches only worsened and he found himself closing the distance between you two and pulling you into his arms.

The sudden contact only made you involuntarily cry harder. George's hands were rubbing your back the whole time.

"Oh George." You cry out again in his chest. "I-I should've known better-"

"Shh- shh. It's okay." George cooed pulling you in tighter and looking down at you.

"I'm so stupid- I-I can't believe -"

"Darling, don't say that."

He didn't want to let go in fear of never being able of holding you like this. George knew that if he let go, he would never have a moment like this again.

You raised your hands to cover your eyes as you weeped in and out of George's chest. You didn't want him to see you like this, you despised yourself when you cried. John always thought crying was for the weak. It made you look very grave and unappealing.

George didn't care about how dreadful you looked, he only wanted to see your eyes, to see if there was still life in them. To see if all your love was really with John and to see if you were still capable of loving someone more.

He placed his hands on yours and gently tugged them off your face. He took a deep breath as you looked down in hopes of avoiding him.

He placed his thumb and forefinger on your chin, tilting your head up. You were met with his brown glistening eyes. There was always comfort in them, you always felt like George cared and you cared for George. Outside of John, George was your closest friend.

The crying slowed down as George looked endlessly into your eyes and saw not just hope, but love able of going above and beyond. He saw his reflection in them and any string holding him back from loving you got cut at that moment.

He was staring at his universe.

He cupped your face with his hands and using his thumb, wiped away the fresh tears going down your cheek. You felt his warm rough fingers wipe away the pain as you stood there trying to accept it.

"It's gonna be all right." He whispers.


The living room was rather dull along with the current mood. George was sitting on the couch across from where you were half laying down. You were studying the ceiling when a question popped in your head.

"How long did you know?" You say softly.

George looked up from the floor and at you in confusion.

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