#6 ||RINGO||

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GIF imagine

#6 || Ringo ||

You got the job you always wanted and soon you found yourself stuck in the middle of your fantasy.

The doors were grand but you could already hear the noise. It got you quite nervous. You had the exact same feeling a couple days ago.


Your job was for Time's newspaper and your boss gave you the pleasure of covering The Beatles. He practically handed you over to them (their manager) once they landed in the airport. You were already anxious and unsure of yourself as it was and you did not expect your first project to be this big.

But nonetheless, it wasn't like you were going to pass up the opportunity, so you just made peace with your mind that you were just simply not interesting enough or attractive enough for them to fancy you. And sure enough, you were right.

After their big press conference Brian presented you to the boys in a quick matter and you remember yourself blushing hard.

"Well boys, this is Patricia."

Brian took a step to his right, revealing you from behind him. The boys all took a glance at you and stood there staring.

You looked down and blushed, biting your lip and looking up very hesitantly.

"Tacos." You heard Ringo mutter to George. Ringo was still looking at you with sparkling eyes as you saw George turn to him and raise an eyebrow before smirking.

You furrowed your eyebrows at what just happened but you soon recomposed yourself when Paul took the courtesy.

"Hello Patricia." He said putting out his hand.

You shook his hand and he gave you a warm smile. Your attention was turned to John when you felt a slight tap on your shoulder and saw him smiling.

"Uh will you be here with us the whole time?" He asked.

You didn't know what to say and you didn't know if it was disappointment in his voice or excitement.

Before you could answer, you heard Brian's impatient voice. "Yes, she will be staying with us, different hotel room of course, but- oh we need to get going boys our cars are here." Brian escorted them out and George shook your hand while exiting the room. Ringo was right after you as you were greeted with police guards. You felt his shoulders against yours for a quick second and then he leant in and whispered. "Nice to meet you Patricia, hope we aren't that much of a drag to cover." He looked at you and you gave him a soft smile before looking back down.

George slowed down, waiting for Ringo, so you walked by him and followed close behind Brian.

That was the closest you got with any of them in fact. I mean, outside of the usual awkward interview, you never really opened much.

Whenever they would come in the same room, you would always keep your head down and face hidden in whatever book you were reading. One time, the book was upside down! Only to be noticed by John saying, "since when did people start reading books backwards?" You blushed and must've looked really, really stupid.

Ringo was sitting at the corner and George seemed to have always turned his head at him whenever attention was brought to you.

Through all this, you concluded that they just didn't like you. You were already expecting it but there was still a pain in your heart.


A girl that you have become quite close with due to sharing hotel rooms, surprised you with the news.

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