Chapter #3- Base Tour/Meeting the other Gals

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???, Pearl Harbor Naval Base, 1:25 AM 

After saving the base from the Crimson Axis and the Sirens, the Big Four were given a tour around the base, their guides being Gato and Pegasus of course. Rodan Prime also had Unicorn sitting on his shoulders since she asked if she could, he of course allowed it. 

Gojira Prime: *Whistles* This is a pretty nice base if I'm gonna be honest. 

Gato: Yep! This is our main base too, where all 4 main nations come together for important events, well... Before the Sakura Empire and Ironblood decided to ally with the Sirens. 

Pegasus: A shame that they decided to do so, I'm pretty sure there are some girls among them that don't want to fight against us, since the Sirens are the real enemies here. But I could be wrong. 

Death Jackal Prime: You know, since we're in our human forms, I would kinda like to eat what humans chow on. Cause I'm assuming humans call it breakfast, lunch, or dinner depending on the situation. 

Gato: You're hungry hm? Well then, lets head to the canteen! I'm sure Nevada has something prepared! 

Gojira Prime: Hmmmm, I'm guessing she's USS Nevada (BB-36) of the Eagle Union. 

Gato: Wow, you guys sure are intelligent. Probably way more than what humans call the Dodo bird. 

Rodan Prime: Oh that lowly useless bird? Yeah, we're billions of times smarter than that piece of sh- I mean stupid bird. 

Gojira Prime: Really dude? You gotta swear like that when you got a child on your shoulders? 

Rodan Prime: Ey, hush. I'm just not good with kids yet ya'll know. 

Gojira Prime: Yeah, yeah, let's just continue on to our location. Cause we haven't eaten in a while since we all arrived in this world. 


Gato: This is our humble ol canteen! Pretty neat isn't it? 

Gojira Prime: Yeah, I gotta give it to y'all and the humans for making some impressive architecture. Though that really doesn't matter back in our world, because they would always be destroyed once we duke it out in a city. 

Rodan Prime: Yeah, me, Gojira Prime, and Kong Prime once fight against 2 mechanized Titan Primes in a city back in our world, I however almost died fighting against Mecha Ghidorah Prime, but I still managed to kill him. The city however got completely deleted from existence, only a few buildings were left there and there, but for the most part, everything was just... Gone. 

Pegasus: Does that explain the scars on you twos faces? 

Gojira Prime: Yep, most of them are from past battles though. Like, in our world, about 1.0 billion to 300 million years ago. By the way, what year is this? 

Gato: Well the year is 1945, why you ask? 

Rodan Prime: Um, cause we came from the year 2091. Which is many years after WW2 happened in our world. 


Gojira Prime: Well, yeah. Obviously, everything was technologically more advanced in our world too. 

Gato: How technologically advanced was everything back in your guys world? 

Rodan Prime: Well, enough apparently for humans to start developing mechanized giants, lasers, aircraft that can hover, and even weapons that can hurt and potentially kill us. 

Pegasus upon hearing this was shocked and so was Gato. They never knew that the humans in their world hated their presence. 

Pegasus: But, why would they want to kill such powerful and magnificent creatures like you? 

The Big Four (Azur Lane x Kaiju OC's) [ON HIATUS]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें