Chapter Nine

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Ax's POV

I walked alongside Haze, holding his hand as girls whispered about how good he looked and how no one that handsome should be walking through the school.

But I thought he was so amazing no matter how he looked and what's better he liked someone like me.

Just then that Jack guy shows up again getting between me and Haze and putting his arm around his neck.

"Ace." He says causing Haze's heart rate to pick up.

"Jack." He replies before his heart rate calming and becoming steady again.

"After school, why don't we grab some lunch and I'll show you the best parts of bump fuck nowhere." He says and Haze smiles widely causing Jack to turn slightly red and his heart rate to pick up.

"I'd love to," He says happily.

"But I have plans. With him." He says moving his arm and taking mine.

"I'm sure he'll be ok on his own." He says and I clench my fist.

"Down dog." He says and I feel my anger getting to a point where I could no longer control myself. 

My vision began to go red before his annoying heartbeat begins to pulsate in my ear.

"Wait, I know you. You're the hobo from the woods that protected Haze, why don't you go back to waddling in his trash and;" Suddenly I grab him and he seems shocked.

Kill him, you need to feed.

"So you want to fight?" He says and I feel my fangs growing.

Only then does Haze grab my hand and Io try to gain some rationality.

"h; Ace I'm hungry," I say and he seems to instantly know what that means, he takes my hand and pulls me away before Jack can object as the sounds of beating hearts become deafening. 

"Ace wait!" Jack shouts and I clench my teeth.

He wants to take Haze, feed on him. Kill him.

No. I tell myself.

I refuse to be a monster.

I get to my locker and notice that there was a lock on it.

I can't, I can't open it. I think pulling at it, only for it to come off in my hand and I open the locker, grabbing the bottle and drinking it's contents.

Once I was finished I turned to see two pairs of wide eyes.

Jack's heart raced as he took Haze's arm almost protectively. 

"What the hell are you?" He says and Haze only pulls away before walking over to me and whipping my mouth before smiling softly.

His heart didn't race and it made me smile. He wasn't afraid of me.

"Next time, I'll help with the lock." He says and I smile.

"Hey Excuse me!" Jack shouts and Haze only sighs.

"Rose will kill us if we're late," Haze says before turning to Jack. 

"I'll see you around!" He says causing Jack to turn red.

I really didn't like him.

I only turn to Haze seeing that his eyes were slightly different the Amber of his eyes had begun to overpower the blue and was now the dominant color.

"Haze are you Ok?" I ask starting to feel: conservative, no confidence. No that wasn't right either. It was like worried but started with a C.

"Oh I'll be better if I got to; I'm fine Ax." He says and it sounded as if he was fighting with himself.

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