Chapter Thirteen

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Jack's POV

I can't help to smile looking at Ace while he takes notes.

"Your handwriting is terrible." I tease causing him to look at me for a moment.

"It's harder than it looks. Haze did the writing." He says more to himself before smiling.

"The school I attended notes were online so, I don't write much." He says and I begin to play with his hair determined to make him at least think I'm a smooth prince charming. But all it takes is for him to lean into my hand and I can no longer focus and melt like a middle school girl.

I could not wait for this day to end, even though it was only first period.

"Plus today was mom and dad's anniversary so they'll be out of the house, Daniel would be at work hopefully and I could probably bribe Rose to go the movies or something, leaving the house empty and I'm sure after errands I could entice him with games and impress him with my cooking. He'd be my boyfriend before dessert.

"What's your next class?" I ask and he smiles.

"Calculus just like you." He says leaning closer and I can't help but hug him.

He smelt so nice, and was so warm, and just so amazing.

Just then the bell rang and I realized that we won't be able to get into class without a late pass or detention slip and detention would put a serious damper on our date so I grab him pulling him into a back hallway that led the other building where the middle and elementary schoolers were.

"Where are we going?" He asks and I smile.

"We're skipping unless you want to spend our first date in detention," I say and he smiles beautifully and I still a kiss while he did so causing him to blush a warm pink that I would have teased him for if I wasn't the same color.

"Come on, I have an idea." He says pulling me through the halls as if he attended them before stopping at the door of the kindergarten. He knocks on the door and when the teacher opens he gives a smile.

"Hi, I'm Ace and this Jack, we're the visitors for today." He says and the lady looks confused.

"Uh, what?" She asks and I smile.

"Oh, we're here for the Dear day. We're supposed to be reading to the kids." I go with the lie and still slightly confused she smiles and lets us in and I give a slight high five as we follow her.

A little while later we sat in front of two groups of kids as I read a random book I picked off the wall and he did the same. Only I couldn't focus stilling glances at him as he read, ever so often moving his soft hair behind his ear.

When the bell finally rings I smile before we leave and merge back with the students.

I take his hand and he kisses my hand softly.

"Hey, Jack." I mentally prepare myself for my older brother's bull shit today.

He walked over wearing the simple green guest pass that I was sure they were handing out to anyone who showed up.

"Daniel, my older brother, who has no right to be as stalking me in school," I said yelling the last part as he grabs me by the neck.

He only examining Ace who smiles with a small wave.

"Ace." Ace says and I smile as Daniel only pets his head softly like a dog, but I'll take it over him disapproving.

"Mom and Dad and want me to watch you, however, I won't so don't be a dumb ass. Keep it in your pants tonight and call me, not mom and dad, if you start to feel any kind of way. Got it." He says and I roll my eyes.

"One you could have called. Two I'm eighteen dumb ass I am more than confident that I can take care of myself." I say and he rolls his eyes before grabbing me by my face before looking deeply into my eyes. After about a minute he lets go and I look away.

"Ok go to hell." He says before leaving.

"And have to continue to deal with your shit for the rest of eternity. I'm good thanks." I shout back.

"That was weird?" Ace says and I sigh.

"So I guess you don't like your brother." He says and I nod.

"He's an asshole who sucks the life out of anyone that gets too close," I say and he chuckles.

"So how was live with Haze?" I question trying to change the subject from my family to his, only he instantly looks down at his hands sadly.

"Our parents ignored me, and I was treated as just an imagery friend of Haze, then as we got older, they thought it would be easier just to have me drugged so I didn't get in the way of Haze, He was the one they wanted and I was the one they tried to silence. He was the face of the family and anytime I so much as spoke out of term I was punished with more drugs until we got to the point that Haze gave them to me without even being told. It was a punishment and I teetered between feeling like I deserved it and feeling like I deserved so much more. I just wanted to be seen so badly." He says as tears begin to drip onto his hands and I realized that this made me hate Haze all the more.

"Hey." I say cupping his face and making him look at me as more tears streamed down his face.

"I see you," I say and he smiles widely and I realized that maybe it was too soon to say I loved him but god did I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

I look into his beautiful Amber and slightly blue eyes and I only kiss him softly.

"So um, as you know, when you like someone more than as a friend and you like being around them. That's how I feel about you and, well I knew we have a date planned and all but, I feel like it's only acceptable to say things like this after like five but I don't think or really want to wait that long, and I know this is probably melodramatic and this is the longest run-on sentence in the history of weird second-day confessions, but I want to be with you." I say finally stopping to catch my breath.

"You're cute." He says and I laugh awkwardly.

Cute, not that he feels the same or that he wants to be my boyfriend, or even that he has feelings for me. Just, I'm cute.

"So just cute?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Super cute?" He says and I realize that this was clearly a sign that I was being too clingy and weird and I should go crawl into my dying whole for a few days only he looks down before taking my hand.

"Look I'm not big on labels and I'm not sure if I'm 100% ready but I like you too, a lot, so if you want to use labels, nothing would make me happier." He says and I smile, god I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I only smile as his ears turn red and I want to tease him.

"Like what, soldiers, baseball players, astronomers, gamers?" I ask putting my face close to his.

"Like, boyfriends." He mutters his neck now turning red too.

"Boyfriends. let me think because I like astronomers." He punched me in the arm.

"I'd like boyfriends," I say pulling him closer to me and I put a hand on his chin so I could see his blush-covered face.

"Ok, boyfriend." He says only for Haze to place a hand on the shoulder.

"Dad called, we have to go." He says and I pout.

"No. our date," I say clinging to him and he laughs.

"You two just met, you can stand to be apart for a day," Haze says angrily and the memories of what Ace said and I instantly cling protectively, not wanting him to go home with those people.

But Haze only grabs his hand before pulling him away and I sigh. I missed him already.

"I'll call you about our date Ok," I say and he smiles.

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