Valentine's Day

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I'm gonna start using Polyvore to create outfits for Scomiche. Is that cool? Bc I'm kinda obsessed with Polyvore. The one above is Mitch :)


*Mitch's POV*

The earth is shaking.

What's happening?

What's going-


I gasp and snap awake.

"Geez, Mitch. You look like you just saw a ghost." Scott says.

"I had a bad dream...and why are you getting me up at this god forsaken hour?"

"Well, for one thing, IT'S VALENTINE'S DAY! And I have something special planned for breakfast, so get up. Wear something pretty." Scott says and leaves so I can get dressed.

I groan and lay back down.

"I don't wanna get up." I moan to myself.

After about ten minutes I finally decide that I should get ready.

I grab a pair of black skinny jeans and my fanciest sweater to put on.

I put on some foundation, do my eyebrows and fix my hair.

Mama doesn't play around with looking nice.

It takes me about 20 minutes to get dressed and then I go downstairs.

"How do I look?" I ask and do a model spin.

"Perfect, as always. Come on, we're going to Waffle House."

"Ohmygod yessss." I nearly moan and look at myself one more time in the mirror before heading to the car.

I pretend that I didn't know where we were going, but I have something planned.

When we get to Waffle House we order the norm.

I get a bacon egg and cheese sandwich on toast and Scott gets pancakes.

Scott loves pancakes.

It's kinda ridiculous.

"Hey babe I got something for you." Scott pulls out a bag with a lot of chocolates and a big bouquet of roses. It also has a teddy bear, which was wearing a Michael Kors watch.

"Aw, Scooter. You're so sweet. Thank you babe." I kiss him on the cheek, earning a look from a family a few booths down.

"I got you something, too." I say and pull out a gift bag.

Scott excitedly takes the bag and pulls out all the tissue.

"Aw, Mitchie!"

He takes out his new pajama pants and his chocolate. I also got him a Michael Kors watch.

"Great minds think alike, I guess." He says and holds up our matching watches.

"I love these pants, babe. Thank you." He says, admiring the music note patterned pajamas.

"You're welcome. I love you."

"I love you too." He says and kisses me, on the mouth this time, earning another look from the obviously homophobic family.

I roll my eyes at them. "Don't let them ruin our special breakfast. We only have a few hours anyway before we have to rehearse."

Scott was going to say something, probably complain about rehearsal, when our food came.

We are and talked about some childhood memories and how we missed our families and stuff, when I remembered that I had another gift for Scott.

"Hey babe. I actually have a gift that I forgot to get you." I said and motioned to the waitress to put the balloons on the table.

I stood up.

"Scott Richard Hoying,

Ever since the day we met in community theatre at CATS, I have known that you were the one for me.

You are the most fun, happy person to be around and an amazing singer."

I'm cut off by the homophobic family from earlier groaning.

I shoot them a look.

"Anyway, you have helped me through so much in my life and I love you so much."

I get down on one knee.

"Scott Richard Hoying, would you do me the honor of being my husband?"

Scott has tears running down his face.

"Yes! Yes, a thousand times yes. I love you!" Scott says and slams his lips against mine.

Everyone claps, except the homophobic family, of course.

Screw them.

We sit back down and immediately dig into our food.

I snap a photo for Instagram of Scott's hand.

@mitchgrassi: He said yes!!!!

Immediately the comments came flooding in, not a single one of them was hate.

We eat our food and leave, making sure to give the homophobes extra nasty stares.

When we get to rehearsal, Kirstie immediately comes up to us.

"Congratulations guys! I ship it so much like omg."

I laugh and we get on with rehearsal, deciding to sing Valentine for tonight's show.

Oh, and on stage,

Scott and I kissed.

In front of people.

A gay couple.


Let me just tell you that there was no gasping at our wedding a year later.

Except when I dropped the ring.

But that's another story.

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