Behind The Scenes.

155 9 0

A/N: thank u Music_500

"Scott?" I knock on our door.

"Scott!" I say slightly louder.

I groan and get the spare key from under the mat.

Maybe he's just in the shower.

I get the door unlocked and enter the house.

I can almost taste the alcohol.

Shit, not again.

I go into the living room to find my boyfriend laid out on the couch.

I sigh and start cleaning up his mess.

There's an empty bottle on the floor and trash everywhere.

He probably got angry again.

I throw away the bottle and start picking up stuff.

There's broken stuff and pillows and blankets everywhere.

I lay out a couple of Tylenol and a glass of water on the counter.

I check my watch.


It's getting earlier every day.

All I did was go to the grocery store.

I even bought our favorite meal for dinner tonight.

The phone rings and I look to the couch for any sign of movement.

I answer. "Hello?"

"Hello, this is-"

I hang up and set the phone back on the hook.

Those bill collectors or whatever are so annoying.

I decide to go sit in our room and watch some TV.

Some cheesy romantic comedy is on.

Our room.

That's what it used to be.

There's a life behind the cameras that no one sees.

This isn't the behind the scenes that we're supposed to be making.


Is this... Ouch!

"Why is this light so damn bright?" I mumble to myself.

A sharp pain goes through my head.

I groan and slowly get off the couch.

Shit, not again.

I hope Mitch isn't home yet.

I make my way over to the kitchen counter to take some pills but immediately feel a wave of nausea overtake me.

"Shit." I mumble and empty my stomach into the sink.

SUP3RFRUIT Imagines Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang