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So I haven't had many ideas lately so thanks to my best friend Lauren_sings for giving me this idea ily.

Mitch: Sophomore Scott: Senior


*Mitch's POV*

I walk into class about ten seconds after the late bell rings.

"Third tardy. Detention, Grassi." My teacher says without even looking up.

I groan and sit down at my desk.

I've never had detention before.

The teacher puts notes on the board and I get out a notebook and pen.

The 90 minutes creeps by slowly and when the bell rings I head to detention on the first floor.

I walk in and get stares from the teacher and the kids there.

I sit at a desk in the back just as the late bell rings.

The old, mean teacher starts yelling about "Stupid teenagers" or something.

After sitting in silence for a few minutes, the door opens and in walks a tall boy with blonde hair walks in.

"Sorry I'm late." He says and sits at the back next to me.

"Another detention, Hoying." The teacher says.

Great, he's well-known.

"Fascinating." He says and sits down at the desk next to me.

I take out a pencil and start doodling on a piece of paper.

He taps my shoulder.

I ignore him.

He taps it again.

I clench my teeth.


"You have a pencil?"

I want to laugh.

His voice sounds almost as gay as mine.

"Yeah." I say and toss him a pencil.

"Thanks. I'm Scott."

"Mitch. Sophomore."

"Softy, eh? Senior."

I immediately tense up.

He chuckles. "Don't get tense. I'm not a douche to underclass men like most people are."

I relax a bit. "So... Do you come... here often?"

Shut up, Mitch.

"No, actually. I just had too many tardies."

"Really? But you seem so..."

"Badass? I know. It's my alter-ego, Snake."

I roll my eyes. "Snake?"

"Wow, someone's got an attitude. I never really do anything bad, I'm just late a lot."

"Oh, ok." I say and go back to doodling.

The teacher hands out some survey that we're supposed to take.

I open it and the questions are just like:





SUP3RFRUIT Imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora