Coming Out/Study Date

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Scott's POV
Five more minutes until my first da- I mean...tutoring session with Mitch.
I met Mitch on a chorus field trip and we really bonded. I mean, we bonded in a friendly way, we didn't like..never mind. I don't know why I'm so nervous I mean he's just-

"Scott!" My teacher snaps me back to reality. "Turn in your homework!"
I get up and put it in the bin just as the bell rings. I race down the hall to beat the hallway traffic and quickly grab my book bag out of my locker. I stuff my books in there and slam my locker shut before heading off to the chorus room where we'll meet.

I head towards the chorus room to see Mitch. He was turning in some papers to the basket labeled "3rd Block- Sophomore."

"Hey Mitch." I said and he turned around with a smile.
"Hey Scott." He said happily.

"So how'd that sharps and flats quiz go?" I asked.
His smile faded. "I got a um...I got a 68..."
My eyes widened. "Dude..your Dad's gonna kill you." I said, knowing how strict his parents are.

"Can we just go?" He said and started walking towards the parking lot. I sighed. There's something going on in his head. He usually aces those quizzes!

I follow him out to my car and we get in. "Mitch, is there something wrong?"

He stays silent. Wow..the silent treatment. Why does this hurt so much? I should react like any friend does. But I don't.

"Mitch!" I say in a firmer tone. He jumps. "Sorry.." He says.

I sigh. "No, I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled. If you don't want to tell me what's wrong it's okay."

He looks at me with anxiety written all across his face. "'re my friend. I should tell you."

He starts playing with his fingers. "Well, um...remember when Kirstie and I dated?"

I nod, telling him to continue.

"Well, that was the only girl I've dated.Scott, I'm gay."

To be honest, I wasn't shocked. " think I didn't know?"

He looks up at me. " knew?"

I laughed. "A gay guy knows another gay guy when he sees him." Mitch responded quickly. "You're gay too?"

I nodded. "Isn't it obvious? I have gay pride pins all over my book bag." I say, motioning to my rainbow-covered back pack.

He sighs in relief. "What do you think my parents will say?"

My facial expression turned serious. "Well, my parents hit me with a bible but.." I trail off, trying to stifle my laughter.

Mitch looked terrified. "What?!"

I laughed. "I'm just kidding. Knowing your parents, even though they're
strict about your grades and stuff, they'll definitely accept it."

"Do you think that if they have a positive response, they'll forget about my quiz grade?"

I shrugged. "Sorry, but no. Personal experience." I say as we pull up in his driveway.

We get out of the car and sling our book bags over our shoulders. Mitch goes in first.He has a nice- "Hey Dad.." He says to his Dad quickly before going upstairs.

"Mitchell!" His Dad says and Mitch rolls his eyes. "Yeah.." He says going back down the stairs.

"How'd you do on that quiz?"

Mitch stutters. "I um..I got a..69, I mean...a 68..."

"You got a 68..on a chorus quiz? Did you not study?" His dad says, anger obviously showing.

"No sir.." Mitch says, his eyes watering.

"I should-"

"Dad!" Mitch screamed. A tear fell down his face.

"Don't yell at me!"


His dad stopped. "Come out as in..."

"I'm gay..Dad. I have been for a while."

His dad's expression softened. "So you.."

"I like boys. Go ahead and call me a f*g. Hit me with a bible and say I'm a disgrace. You're not proud of anything that I do, so I can see why you wouldn't want a gay son."

His dad pulled him into a hug. "Me and your mother will always love you, no matter what. I'm sorry that you feel like we are always upset with you, because we're not. I'm sorry I got so angry over that quiz.." He looks upstairs. "Wanna talk later?"

Mitch says yes and comes into his room. "Sorry about that." He says.

I smile at him. "I'm really proud of you. I would give a sappy best friend speech but we need to study."

He pulls out his music binder and textbook. "Thanks." He drops his pencil and we both reach down for it, our hands touching in the process.

I pull away quickly and blush. He opens his book and turns to a lesson. I start helping him read the note heads and recognize the sharps and flats and stuff like that.

We reach the end of the first section. "Wanna take a break?" I ask.

"Yeah." He grabs his phone and we both lay on his bed, which is very small, may I add. Mitch turns towards me and we lock eyes for a moment.

"So um..I have a question." He says, turning back to his phone.


"There's this guy I like, and I don't know how to tell him." My heart races.

"Um...what kind of guy is this mystery man?" I ask.

"Well..he's two years older than me. He's muscly a and he has gorgeous blue eyes."

I get closer to him. "You tease."

"What?" He smirks. "His name also starts with an "S" and ends in "cott".

"Well, good thing my crush's name rhymes with "itch"." I say and he grabs my hand.

"I wonder if my crush likes me back." He says.

"Let's find out." I say and slam my lips onto his, only stopping for air. We continue this for a couple of minutes until I realize I have to go.

I awkwardly stand up. "So are we like official now?" I joke.

He laughs. "Maybe we shouldn't tell anyone yet. I like the element of surprise."

I pick up my books. "I'm totally telling Kirstie."

Mitch rolls his eyes. "Fine.See you tomorrow..babe." He says dramatically.

I blush and walk out. I change my relationship status to "In a Relationship" and smile. Mitch does the same.

He texts me. "Same thing tomorrow? We're starting to learn about famous composers..."

I text back. "We'll work just as hard as we did today."

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A/N: Is this a chick flick

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