Run To You

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A/N: So I have exams soon and I'm trying to study, but I'm not that worried because I only have two main classes. Anyway...I'm gonna tell you that this is gonna be short but Y'know it's midnight and I'm bored so yeah this might be medium-long or something.

Sorry I'm rambling bye.

*Scott's POV*

"Scott, stoppppp!" Mitch yelled as I started tickling him.

"Nope, you got a stain on my sweater!" I half-yelled, half-whined.

"Please, please I can't breathe!" He yelled and I finally stopped tickling him.

He sat up and hit me on the arm. "You're annoying."

"Feeling's mutual." I smiled back.

"Babe..." He said solemnly.

"What? What's wrong?"

"I want food." He giggled cutely.

"Jfc Mitch, you scared me. I thought something was wrong."

"I'm sorry...I just reaaaally want food."

"Fine. You want Mac 'n' Cheese?" I give in.

"Yeah." He says and looks at his phone. "I'll be back."

"Y'all are so cute." Kirstie comments.

"Not as cute as you and Jeremy." I say and she blushes.

I'm getting out the stuff to make Mitch's food when I hear Mitch cry out loudly.

I set the stuff down and run to Mitch.

"Mitchie? Are you okay?" I slide back his curtain.

He is nearly shaking with sobs.

"Mitch? Mitch, tell me what's wrong! Are you hurt?" I ask worriedly.

"It-It's my grandpa, Sc-Scott. He- he had a stroke. He m-might not live past tomorrow." Mitch explains the situation in between sobs.

I was honestly shocked. Mitch's grandpa was 86 years old, but he's one of the happiest and healthiest old men that I've ever met.

"I'm so sorry, Mitch. Do you want me to tell everyone? Do you need to go home?" I questioned him, my protective side showing.

"You can tell them, but I don't wanna let down the fans. Y'all would have to rearrange the shows." He said, trying to calm himself down.

"Okay, I'll tell them. I'm gonna go get your mac 'n' cheese, too." I said and kissed him on the cheek before walking out.

"Hey guys." I said, going to the back room.

"What up?" Asks Kevin.

"Um, there's actually something that I need to tell you guys." I say.

"Is everything okay?" Asks Kirstie.

"'s Mitch. It's his grandpa, he had a stroke and is in critical condition."

"Oh my Mitch okay?" Avi asks.

"I don't think so...he's in his bunk. He just got done crying. Really hard."

"Should we cancel the show?" Kirstie asks.

"Mitch says no. But if he doesn't feel comfortable we should. I'll talk to him again in a bit." I say and hear the microwave go off.

"I'm gonna go give him his food and make sure he's okay." I say and leave.

I go get his macaroni and bring it to him.

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