The Wedding

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    Yunlan came back with a lover on his side. "Just act the part! Surely Shen Wei  will be there!" He smirk.

   "Are you sure you have no feelings left on that guy?" His friend Chu ask. That made Yunlan burst into anger, "What the hell are you talking about?!!! Shen Wei  is my number one enemy! Ever since in our school days up until now!" Chu roll his eyes, "Really? Ever since you came here you always talk about him and  look at the mirror! Glancing at every particular detail on your suite!"

    Yunlan about to answer back when Yutong came, "Gege! You came! And whose this hot guy?! If I'm not gonna marry? Maybe I should get his number?" That made Yunlan hit his didi on the head. "Stop flirting with my date! This Chu by the way! Yao won't  like you flirting with anyone! Any way where's  your Han Chen ge?!"

    Meanwhile Han Chen is making out with Lou Fu Sheng  the secret love of his life in a deserted room. "Mmmph....Chen chen are you sure you lock the door my gege might see us!" Weifusheng  turning his head from side to side.

   "My little  Fufu! I already told you I lock it tight! Your gege won't  see us! And beside his gonna be busy when my gege come! You know the two of them always fighting  at one another!" And continue to kiss Lou Fu Sheng almost devouring his lips. Lou Fu Sheng  became flustered and replied him with a sloppy kiss while placing his legs on Han Chen's waist. "Your smoking hot!!!" Han Chen smirk and tried to strip Lou Fu Sheng.

   Meanwhile  before the wedding begin Shen Wei  came with a cute lover beside him. Yunlan gritted  his teeth seeing how lovingly the two are. Tailing after them is Yezun with his date Zhu Hong. Yunlan was shocked when he saw Da quing  beside  Yezun chatting with him.

   "Da quing!" He shout. That made Da quing  stop his talking to Yezun just to run toward his best friend and hugged  him. That made Shen Wei  look his way and frown as he saw Yunlan with a hot date. "Wow! Is that Yunlan his smoking hot!" Said Guo pointing to Chu. "Are you  out of your mine! His the one with the cute, brown  eyes and with a goofy smile! And his date is not that  hot! His just ordinary!" Scowl Shen Wei.

    "I think your jealous  Gege!" Tease Yezun. "Shut up didi! Let's  see!" As he pulled Guo and walk toward  Yunlan. But when they face each other Yunlan can't  stop his heart beating almost leaping out of rib cage. Shen Wei  still look so stunning even with his stotic face.

   Shen Wei  on the other hand can't  stop himself  from gazing at Yunlan from head to toe. Still he look amazingly hot. And wanted to teared his clothes off to see that delicious  body of his. "What am I thinking?!!!" Both internally  said to themselves.  They both shake their heads.

   Yunlan is the first to break the silent, "Hello Shen Wei! I want you to meet my lover Chu!" Chu smile and extend his hand but was reach out by Guo instead of Shen Wei,  "Nice to meet you! I'm Guo Chang Cheng!" Shen Wei  retrieve Guo's hand. "His my boyfriend!" And clutches Guo and kiss him on the head.

   Making Yunlan frown red in anger, "Oh! Really? What a weakling lover?" He smirk. "What  did you say?!!!" Shout Shen Wei.  "Mine is so hot you can fried an eggs!" And kiss Chu on the cheek. Chu want to puke but tried to smile being his fake lover. But Shen Wei didn't notice that because he was furious that Yunlan kiss someone else.

    "He is smoking hot!" Said Guo accidentally  making Shen Wei  angry at him. As Guo look down for his mistake he have done. Yezun and Da quing  on the other hand got interested on the two whose arguing. They almost forgot Zhu Hong and Yutong are with them.

   When the wedding bells begin both break their irking gaze at one another and went to their respective chairs. As well as Yezun, Zhu Hong and Da quing.  Yutong went to the altar followed by the disbahave look of his Han Chen ge whose straightening himself and combing his hair with his hands. Lou Fu Sheng  quickly sat with his brothers. "What happened  to you?!" Ask Yutong to his gege who just smirk.

   While Yao walk in the aisle looking beautiful jn his white suite with his father Mr. Shen. Who  is not quite happy but he have  no choice. He want his little  boy's happiness. "Dad! Please stop frowning!" Yao smile to his father. "Sorry! I can't  help it!" As he look at the direction of Xin ci  whose also not smiling.

   Yutong smile as he took Yao's hand but was gripped  by Mr. Shen. "Don't  let my little  Yao unhappy! Or I'm gonna break everybones you have!" He look serious to Yutong who sweat. "Dad! Stop it!" Whispered  Yao to his father  who let go of Yutong's hand. "Just remember  that!" And went back to his sit with Shen Wei,  Guo, Yezun and Zhu Hong.

   Xin ci on the other hand want to explode in anger but Yunlan tried to calmed  down his father. And suddenly can't  stop himself  from looking at his side as well as Shen Wei  who both surprise  that both of them taking a peek at each other. They quickly turned they're  back. "What's  the matter?" Guo ask Shen Wei.  "Nothing!" Guo on the other hand trying to take a peek on the hot guy with Yunlan.

   Yutong is sweating while holding Yao's hand. "Don't  worry my dad just joking!" That made him relax and kiss his hand. "I know I just can't  wait to have you!" Making Yao red.

   Han Chen on the other hand secretly waving at Lou Fu Sheng.  Lou Fu Sheng  want to jump into his arms if only his father is not in his way. They didn't  notice Shen Wei  saw they're  secret waving. "That guy! His not getting my didi!" He snuck out of his chair and into Yunlan.

    Yunlan almost jump out of his wits when warm  lips of Shen Wei  whispered  to his ears. "We need to talk now!" And dragged  the bewildered  Yunlan. "What happened  to those two?" Ask Chu to Da quing.  "Where's  Yunlan?!" Xin ci notice his eldest son is missing. "He just went to the toilet!" Da quing  lied.


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