The Sweet Past

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    In the ER doctors trying to revive Shen Wei  again. The bullet almost hit his heart. Luckly something  in his pocket prevented it.

    Outside Yunlan can't  stop his crying, "What if Xiao Wei  never open his eyes again!" His didi tried to comfort him. "Since when your two in a relationship?" Han Chen ask but Yunlan just continue to cry. While Lou Fu Sheng called his other brothers and father to tell them what happened.  Jinxi on the other hand escape when she shot someone  else.

    The police is trying to find her know, Han Chen's  chief  visited them to the hospital and apologize for what his subordinate have done to Lou Fu Sheng's gege and promise they will bring her to justice.

    In a minute Yao came rushing in while crying, "Where's  my gege?! Who done this to him?!" Yutong tried  comforting his wife but look puzzled why his gege's  are there as well. And why his gege Yunlan's  hand is full of blood while his other gege Han Chen is wearing a wedding suite like Lou Fu Sheng.  Both can't  look at him.

    Lou Fu Sheng gather Yao in his arms and hugged his didi. When suddenly  Yeo-Wei  came with Xin ci,  "Where's  my son?! I must see him!" Xin ci tried to calmed  him down. When  he notice the three, "Why are you both wearing a wedding suite?!" He didn't  know if his gonna be angry or confuse.

    In a moment Da quing  came with Yezun and comfort Yunlan. "What happened  to our gege?!" Yezun ask his didi Lou Fu Sheng who can't  tell him directly because their father is there as well.

    Inside the operating room while the doctor is taking off the bullet inside Shen Wei's  chest. Shen Wei  dream of his younger years the first time they move to Dragon City and laying eyes on a cute boy namely Zhao Yunlan.

The Past

     Shen Wei  came at school with his mother and didi Yezun. He was in kinder back then. "Look they're  twins! How cute they are!" Shout one of his classmates  as all gathered around  them.

   His teacher welcome them in their room. Yezun adjust quickly knowing how cute he is. He got many friends immediately while his shy gege is always at the corner just looking. "Please  take care of my twins! Especially  Wei he doesn't  like other kids and tend to shy away!" His mother talk to the teacher who promise to take care of them.

    When out of the blue a kid with lollipop and cape come rushing toward Shen Wei.  Shen Wei  look annoyed with this kid, but his cute with brown eyes and messy hair. "Hello! I'm Superman! Beauty!" And handed him a lollipop. "Yunlan! Stop scarring the boy!" Shout his mother whose watching from afar.

    Shen Wei  scrunch his nose and took the lollipop.  "Kid! Sorry to tell you but I'm Superman!" Shen Wei  stood bravely for the first time. "Wow! We have both superheroes  here!" Shout one of the kids which annoyed Yunlan.  Ever since then Yunlan and Shen Wei  became friendenemy at the same time.

    Both getting the attention in their class with good grades. And trying to outwit one another. As highschool came there started the spring of love. Both wanted the same girl, Wang Zheng. The beauty in their class. But that time Wang Zheng have only eyes for Sang Zan. A senior to them.

     It was in their PE time when Shen Wei  slipped while running that Yunlan must escort him to the clinic. "Why are you so weakling?!" Yunlan irritated  said while helping him up toward the bed to be treated by the nurse. Shen Wei  sigh on why his the one accompanied  him. After the nurse treated his wound, Shen Wei  needed to rest for a while.

    The nurse advise Yunlan to stay and guard  Shen Wei  because she's  being called at the other room. "What?! Why?!" He whined.  "Your friend here is a little  anemic. So please stay with him for a little  while!"

    Yunlan have no choice but to stay with Shen Wei  who quickly sleep on the bed. "Why me?!" Yunlan whined  to himself  but notice how Shen Wei  have long eye lashes. "Wierd?! Why a boy have long eye lashes like a girl?" He never notice his face getting near.

    Shen Wei's  eyes suddenly  flattered open sensing someone looking at him. Those cute brown eyes welcome his beautiful  dark eyes. Yunlan's breathing hitched, on why he didn't  notice Shen Wei's  beauty before. Because they're  always at each other's  throat that is.

    Shen Wei  on the other hand his heart  suddenly  beat fast. His hand touch his chest and wonder why his feeling that way. Yunlan thought Shen Wei's  chest is aching and got worried. As he caress his
torso  making Shen Wei  blush as he felt Yunlan touch unconciously  his nipples.
"Stop Yunlan!" He moan suddenly.

   That made Yunlan red hearing Shen Wei  called his name like that. "I'm sorry did I hurt you?!" He was about to leave to call back the nurse when Shen Wei  grip his wrist. That made Yunlan fall on Shen Wei  and accidentally  kiss his lips.
Shen Wei's  lips is soft and taste like strawberry.  As Yunlan lick it for more.

   Shen Wei  was a bit surprised but Yunlan's lips is so soft and taste like honey. As he let him lick his lips. Yunlan was shocked on what his doing and about to stand up. When warm hands pulled him back to be kiss again. This time Shen Wei  open his mouth letting Yunlan's  tounge explore his warm cavern. "Mmmmph  Ah....Lan...."

   Yunlan forgot  what his doing as he so immerse  on how Shen Wei  taste so sweet like his favorite chocolate, strawberry , mangoe and start deepening the kiss. Shen Wei run his finger on the nape and soft, brown hair of Yunlan. Encouraging  Yunlan to kiss him more as he didn't  want to let go of him. The taste of first love is sweeter than anything.

    Yunlan only break the kiss as he heard the nurse came back. And looking suspicious  to them because both are red and panting.


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