Knowing The Truth

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    Inside the room, Yao can't  help to cry seeing the poor state of his gege. "Who done this to you tell me!"

    Lou Fu Sheng can't  look at his gege, "I'm sorry  gege!" Shen Wei  just hold his didi's hand. "What do you mean gege?!" Shout Yao as he look at Lou Fu Sheng. "Please not so loud! Where in the hospital  and gege's  still resting!" Said Yezun. "But gege!" Yao want to protest. "I'm sorry it's  my fault! Han Chen and I tried to get marry!" And Lou Fu Sheng  cried to his Yezun ge's shoulder.

    Yao can't  believe  what he have heard.  "WHAT?!!!" Lou Fu Sheng continue, "Then this crazy partner of Lou Fu Sheng came claiming she's  pregnant to stop our wedding! But Han Chen told me it's  a fake and didn't  know why his partner in the police force acting like that. And she.....she fired a gun toward me! Luckily gege is there to block it and his the one to get shot!" And cried again.

    "Why didn't  you tell us gege? Before this disastrous  happened  to us!" Lou Fu Sheng cut him, "Because gege never approve  about my relationship  to Han Chen! What's  even funnier we found out Shen Wei  ge have a relationship with Yunlan!"  Yao almost faint in hearing that. "Aw! Don't  be dramatic didi!" As Yezun caught him. "They are bound to fall inlove with each other! Even thought they're  always fighting one another!"

    Yao's head turned  toward his Yezun ge, "You knew this right from the start?! You two always been together at school and social events?! And you never told us?!" Yezun tried to defend himself,  "Hey! It's  not my fault?! He told me to keep it a secret! And beside all of you are too busy to ask about his love life!" Yezun and Yao glared at each other. While Lou Fu Sheng tried to stop the argument because it's  dustubing their gege's  rest.

    Outside the room another tension is building up,  everyone was waiting for Yunlan to defend himself from the accusation  of his father. "Tell me Yunlan do you have a relationship  with Shen Wei?! Huh?!" Xin ci sternley looking at him. Yunlan can't  look at his father. "Hey! Dad! Please not here! Where creating a noise here at the hospital." Yutong explain.

    Xin ci ignored his words and shake Yunlan to tell the truth. Han Chen and Da quing  tried to stop Xin ci when Yunlan open his mouth, "Yes! We have a relationship." Xin ci shoved the two guys and only look at Yunlan. Yeo-Wei  look amuse but waiting to hear when it all begun. Well the two fathers are always busy at their work leaving their sons in the care of their wives.

   He knows Mrs. Zhao Yifie is over protective mother while his wife Winwin didn't  care much of his sons because she wants a daughter. "Since when where highschool!" Said Yunlan. Everyone gasp. "WHAT?!!!" It's  Yeo-Wei  who shout. As he remembered  his son back then was injured on the sports feast but smiling like a fool even though his legs hurt.  "So that's  why Wei is like that?!" He internally  said to himself  and tried to ask his ex wife back then.

    But Winwin just shrug and get herself  busy with her friends. Making Yeo-Wei  frown on that day. Suddenly he heard a slap. "You ungrateful  son of mine! After I told you the Shen is our enemy!" Everyone was shocked  including Yeo-Wei.  He could not believe  what he have just heard. "Dad!" Shout Yutong. Xin ci was too late to realize what he have said and done. Yunlan run away from them. Han Chen and Da quing run after  Yunlan.

    Xin ci was shocked at what happened  as he just look at Yeo-Wei who frown to him, "Your right were enemy nothing more!" Yutong tried to reason his father in law but he was ignored again. As Yeo-Wei  walk toward Shen Wei's  room. Just to see his sons are arguing at one another. "STOP! WHAT YOU ALL THINK YOUR DOING?!!! YOUR GEGE NEED SOME REST AND NOT HEARING YOU'RE  SHOUTING AT EACH OTHER!" He shout. Making all of them sweat including Shen Wei  who woke up because of his boom voice. "You take a rest and we wil talk about Yunlan!" He pointed at Shen Wei.  Who was shocked.

    Yao, Yezun and Lou Fu Sheng  look at one another, "How did he know?" Ask Yezun. Lou Fu Sheng was speechless while Yao arch his brow. "Okay who told him?" Yeo-Wei  sigh, "Xin ci.... I mean Mr. Zhao cornered  Yunlan and he told him everything!" Hearing Yunlan's  name making Shen Wei  called his lover's  name, "Ah Lan?"

    Lou Fu Sheng and Yezun got worried, "What happened?!" Yeo-Wei  sigh again, "His father slapped  him infront of us making Yunlan run away from him." Shen Wei  tried to sit up but Yao stop him. "Gege! Don't  worry I'll find Yunlan ge!" Yeo-Wei  stop him, "Don't  it's between their family now! His didis  run after him!" But Yao shake his head, "I'm also a Zhao now Dad! I married one remember?" And continue to walk right pass him, "Darn! Why won't  your didi learn to listen to me!" Yezun and Lou Fu Sheng shrugged. 

   Yunlan on the other hand got lost on where he is. He came running and running from everywhere  until he realize his not in the road anymore until someone hit him on the nape making him fall unconcious.  "See if Han Chen will marry me to get his gege back!" Jinxi smile evily and dragged  Yunlan to her car and drove  away.

   Han Chen and Da quing  kept shouting Yunlan's  name but no one is answering, "Where is he?!" Ask Da quing. Han Chen on the other hand tried to call his gege's  phone. Upon hearing it the cellphone Jinxi took it out from Yunlan's  pocket and throw it behind her car. "No one's  interrupting us!"

    Guo on the other hand is having a wonderful  time in his wedding eventhough  they're  only his gege, Lin Jing and few of their men. He eagerly spoon fed his new husband. Who can't  say no to him. Because the shout gun is aiming at his head. "Poor  Chu! But at least his eating a delicious  meal! Hey! When will I eat? I'm starving!" Zhuiji got irritated  at him and aim the gun to Lin Jing. Who swallowed  hard. "I think I'm full!" As he smile to Zhuiji.

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