Your Request

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     Shen Wei  quickly run to his beloved whose laying like a drunk fool on the floor.

    The drugs kicking in his system and didn't  know whose people that came. "Ah Lan!" Shen Wei  tried to embrace him but he was tied  up with the rope. He can only kissed his cheek making Yunlan mumble to himself. "How sweet!" Said X.

    "You what have you done to my Ah Lan!" He shout. "Don't  worry pretty boy! We just use him as an experiment of our new drugs! And look he is drunk like a fox that can't  run. Poor him!" While caressing his face. Shen Wei  want to punch him for touching his Ah Lan. X was quite amuse to Shen Wei  reaction.

    "Do you love him so?" Suddenly  a pocket knife he pulled from his pocket. He caress the knife on Yunlan's  face, "What if I graze a little  on his handsome face? Would you still love him?" But X never continue his words when he errupted like a volcano and headbutt X on the head.

    Meanwhile  outside both the Zhao's  and Shen's clan were surprised  on why they're  both in that place.  "What are you all doing here?!" Shout Xin ci. Making all shocked, Yeo-Wei  covered his mouth. "Not so loud stupid! The kidnappers will find out!" He whispered  to Xin ci making him quiet. But can't  help to admire his enemy. As both gaze at each other's  eyes.

    "EHEM!" Yutong cough. "Would you two stop flirting infront of us!"  Both glared at Yutong who sweat. "Is he your son?!" Yeo-Wei  ask in annoyance. "I'm afraid so!" Said Xin ci. Lou Fu Sheng just roll his eyes and pulled out his own gun signing Yao to follow him. Yutong grabbed  Yao's  wrist, "And where you think your  going?! We must stay here and wait for the police to arrive! It's  pretty dangerous  there!"

    But Yao retrieve  his wrist, "Honey! You know I work in the forensic  team! I can handle this!" And took out his own gun and prepared it as he went with his gege Lou Fusheng. Yezun also went with them while Da quing  tailing him. "What are you doing? We don't  have a gun!" Whined  Da quing  to Yezun and just gave him a bat to swing if any enemies came to knock  them up.
Xin ci and Yeo-Wei seeing their sons already left them quickly follows them.

    Lou Fusheng was shocked  at the scene when he saw his beloved Han Chen was tied up on a chair and being married to Jinxi. He can't  help shooting Jinxi's leg making her fall on the ground  and quickly untying Han Chen up. Han Chen quickly went to the room to rescue his gege only to find X is knock out. While Shen Wei  laid Yunlan on his lap. "What happened?!" Han Chen ask. While  the other was surprise.  "I head butt him for touching your gege!" Shen Wei  smirk.

    In an hour the police came with ambulance carrying Yunlan to the hospital. Xin ci want to accompany his son but Shen Wei  beat him to it. Suddenly  someone gripped  his arms. "Let the children have sometime together." That made Xin ci quite surprised  on what Yeo-Wei  said. "Are you not angry they're  together?!" Xin ci look puzzled on Yeo-Wei.

   Meanwhile  Han Chen pulled Lou Fu Sheng back to his car and drove away. Yezun and Da quing gone to their car to follow Yunlan in the hospital. Yutong and Yao also followed  them with their own car leaving Xin ci and Yeo-Wei  with each other.

   Inside the ambulance Shen Wei  holding Yunlan by the hand. "Please....please be safe and I'll do anything you ask!" While kissing his hand. "Xiao.....Wei.....Xiao.....Wei...." Yunlan still mumbling his name while his been given an oxygen. Shen Wei  get near him, suddenly  Shen Wei  hear what Yunlan whispered  to him and became red. The paramedics whose accompanying them can't  help to chuckled upon hearing his request. His request is to have ice cream and s-x.

    "Don't  worry sir it's  just the drugs kicking in his system!" The paramedics  tried to calmed  down Shen Wei  whose getting red.  For Yunlan suddenly  shouting his request until they got out of the ambulance into the ER. Shen Wei  trief to cover himself up with the shirt. So no one can recognize him. But the nurse whose guarding him as a patient saw him. "Hey! Your patient 404! Why are you doing up!" He called the huge nurse aids to pick Shen Wei  up. Shen Wei  is protesting.

    When Yezun came and the others, "Gege! Don't  worry will take care of Yunlan for you!" That made Shen Wei  widen his eyes. "'m not patient 404! He is!" Shen Wei  pointed to Yezun. Making Yezun pop his eyes off. The nurse aids took Yezun instead, Yezun kept shouting his not the patient as the others explaining to the nurse his not a patient. Shen Wei  sneak away from them and went to Yunlan's  room.

    "Sir! His find now!" One of the nurse said. Shen Wei  thank him and guard Yunlan in the room. In a moment  Yunlan cute brown eyes pop open. "Where am I?! Xiao Wei? Why are you there? Your suppose to be laying on the bed! And not me?" Shen Wei  chuckled and went near his face, "I miss you. Let's  have ice cream when we get out of here?" That  made Yunlan smile, "How did you know I want one?"

    Shen Wei  caress his face, "After this let's  live together! I got a good place to stay!" That made Yunlan  widen his eyes, "But what about your company? Your  father and Guo?" Shen Wei  embrace him, "Forget about them! And let's  be happy for a while? Huh?" Yunlan almost cried on his shoulder.

    When his father came barging in with Mr. Shen.  The doctor tried to stop them because theirs  only one person that can visit the patient. But the two stubborn  men just shoved the doctor.

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