Shower Of Happiness

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     Yao is completely  confuse on what's  happening.  Why his Dad got easily angry at what  news he gave to him.

    "Don't  bother telling them. They're  busy in finding their new life!" That made Yao more confuse on what Yutong said. "Let's  go! We need to pack now to go to our honeymoon!" Yutong pulled Yao to him. "But what about  dad and father in law?" But Yutong ignored his words.

   After the wedding Shen Wei  lead Yunlan to their villa, whose  breath taking. Bountiful mango trees, dragon fruits surrounded the small cute house as he thought. With lively barn animals in their fence and horses in their stable. And at the back avocado tress surrounded a small garden full of red roses with a miniture fountain in the middle. "This is all for you my darling!" He kissed Yunlan's  cheek.

   And got into a small cute motor car just to find that they also have a river with a speed boat at the side. "I'm planning to retire and just be here with you forever!" Yunlan was shocked , "This is too much!" Shen Wei  smirk, "Not yet my dear!" As he drive the small cute car toward a field and there they have a minnie airport with one helicopter  and a small plane. "Here! We can ride in the air if your bored  in the farm! I know your dream is to become a pilot!" And took out Shen Wei  pilot license. "I'll be your teacher !" That made Yunlan surprise  and can't  help to hugged Shen Wei  tightly. "This is the best ever you gave to me!" As they get off the car a took a ride on the plane.

    Xin ci woke up confuse on where he is and hugging something  warm in his embrace. He was shocked seeing Yeo-Wei  in his arms and both of them naked on the bed.  "Good morning lovely!" As Yeo-Wei  kissed  the shocked  Xin ci. "Wait! Tell me what is happening?!" And pushed  lightly Yeo-Wei.  "You got drunk and crying at the pub. So I took you home but when I'm about to leave you pulled me into your arms and start kissing me!"

    Xin ci gasp, "What?!" Yeo-Wei  cough, "You beg me not to leave as your very lonely. So I took pity on you but the next thing happened I can't  believe  you did! You teared my clothes off and pounce on me!" That made Xin ci shocked and speechless.

    Han Chen received  a call on his colleagues  that they have a case.  But he told them that he cannot work with them because his still in his honeymoon stage with his new, beautiful  wife. Whose now eating infront of him while looking seductively to come back at the table. Han Chen quickly cut the call and run toward Lou Fu Sheng's side. He quickly put him on his lap and start eating him up. "Stop Chen chen!" Lou Fu Sheng giggled.

   Yezun frown in their mansion, his father grounded him and took all of his credit cards knowing he let his Wei ge and Lou Fu Sheng di got away. "I hate them why did they left me here! Even my didi Yao!" But suddenly  someone knocked on his door Butler Simon let Da quing  in with a gift for his pouting lover.

   "Da quing  what are you doing here?" He quickly pulled Da quing  to his room. "Well I knew your father will never come home since his with Mr. Shen!" But Yezun still grumble, "He took my car keys and cards! How can I leave!" He slump on the coach. "You got me!" Said Da quing.  That made Yezun smile.

   Chu on the other hand trying to find Lin Jing. "If your finding your friend his not here! His girlfriend  called and my gege let him go! Since your here!" Batting his eyes on him. "That traitor he left me!" Guo cling to his arms. "I'm here! I won't  leave you!" As he lovingly lean to Chu's arms and kissed his cheek. Making Chu heart beat fast. "Maybe it's  not bad having him for a wife?" He internaly said.

    In a few months past the family gather around. The fathers have already forgiven his four sons now both fathers are gonna married one another. But still they're  arguing on who will be the wife and the husband.

   Xin ci frown when he discovered  Yeo-Wei  ex wife came  with his new husband. "Look I didn't  invite her! She invited herself when she found out I'm gonna be married. She only wants to know whose  the lucky man I've found!" And kissed  Xin ci to calmed him down.

    Yezun was crying on why his Da quing  never propose to him. Making Shen Wei  arched  his brow to Yunlan. Yunlan on the other hand hit Da quing  on the head. "Hey! It's  not my fault his father block my proposal to him.  Because they want to be married first!" Yezun forgave him. But warning him to propose quickly before another guy snatched  him away from him.

    Da quing  hugged  Yezun quickly as he thought Zhuiji looking at his Yezun. But actually  his looking at Lin Jing with his date Zhu Hong. "Such a waste his straight! But maybe not?" He suddenly  smirk and wave at Lin Jing who swallowed  hard. Making Zhu Hong look suspicious  at the two of them.

    Han Chen and Lou Fu Sheng hugged  they're  both  geges when they came.  Both now at peace with one another and talking about  the future. When  Yutong and Yao came from another country. "It's  nice to be back home!" And Yao hugged  his father and siblings and congratulate  his father in law for capturing his dad's heart.

    Chu on the other hand came with Guo whose carrying a little boy that look like Chu. Yunlan was shocked  on how Chu made Guo pregnant. "Don't  ask me why my friend? It's  science!" But Guo added, "We got a surrogate mother for our child!" And whispered  to Shen Wei  the best hospital  to get one.

    Han Chen and  Lou Fusheng announced  they will adopt  a cutey little girl in the orphange. Congratulating them both. Shen Wei  notice Yunlan suddenly  sadness. "Ah Lan! Don't  worry will have our own children if we practice  everynight!" Making Yunlan red. Everybody laugh when suddenly  they're  fathers called for the wedding is about to start. As all went to the hall and all of them live happily every after.




     Thank you to my lovely readers and commentors. Especially  Taina9098  for requesting this story. I hope you like the ending. As I ended this I will continue my other  stories and maybe add a new one. So thanks again and see you again🥰🥰🥰. And stay safe everyone!!!💓💓💓



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