Changes, context and whatever else

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If you are reading this than you are probably already familiar with the storyline of mha, if not the anime is on most streaming sites and I recommend you watch that as this is going to be a lot different and might throw you off your balance if you read this before watching it. It's got 4 seasons and I think about 5 special episodes as well as two movies. If you have time to be reading Alternative universe fanfiction at 2 am then you have plenty of time to watch the animated canon.

I will probably post every day but sometimes my posting schedule will slow down bc my motivation varies~ I am really trying to make this work bc I love this AU, it's so fun to write but I am an amateur writer but let's see how this goes.

Now let's actually get down to business~

All might
All might is very quirkist as he sees himself before one for all as weak and unworthy, he believes that if he couldn't become a quirkless hero than no one could. He projects this onto midoriya in a scene I will be re-addressing for my own sake (I hate putting things out of context, it leaves room for so much error and I can't stand it. I also feel like putting a spin on how midoriya feels as well as being able to explore the depth of his feelings and the layers to it.)

Midoriyas housing situation, parents as well as money situation

Izukus mom killed herself. Yup. That's it. No reason behind it.

Yeah right, as if

If I left a plot hole this big it would eventually drive me insane. Of course there's a reason, I'm not dumb. In this cannon she has always struggled with mental health, she has to take anti-depressants and has anxiety, she tries her best to hide it from izuku. Obviously izuku found out somehow but didn't address it, he had seen her having panic attacks as well as the extent of her depression so he also knew how to deal with anxiety attacks as well as learning how much the little things help someone. What pushed her to suicide was when deku still didn't give up on his dream, I like to think that her last thoughts were "I would rather die then watch my son fail in his dreams, even if he became i hero the stress would be too much on me that i would snap at a time when izuku really needed me the most" Midoriya blames himself for his mother's death as he believes he should have been able to save her which really makes all might crushing his dreams a lot more than just a punch to the face like in most fanfics (I'd say this is more of a uppercut followed by a kick to the groin as well as getting kicked in the abdomen while your down and then getting spit on by everyone.) izukus dad doesn't care about him and only sends him money because he doesn't want to have to waste time on his quirkless son. He gives him just enough to scrape by, but due to bakugos bullying most of his funds go into medical supplies and makeup so most days deku probably won't eat. He had an old laptop that he had since he was a kid as his hobby of analysing quirks is basically all he's gonna have left.


Bakugo bullies him every day just like normal, he doesn't know that izukus mom died as he wasn't paying attention when his mom told him back when it happened. He's still a jerk but maybe(?) I'll let him redeem himself.

The underground hero forums

I have no idea how forums work but I definitely think that the ones the underground hero's used would be very secure. I'm going to make it that one of the hero's send him the secure url so he has access and then he would be assigned his login number and have to remember that.

Screen name: Deku (quirkless deku AU) ((discontinued/ maybe continued soon???))Where stories live. Discover now