Chapter 5

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Why him? He never really seemed to notice me. His stare was hard with a small smirk growing on his face. The looks in his eyes were wild like a hungry hollow. His face held an air of insanity, bags puffed up around the rims of his eyes much like mine.

He drew his sword. It wasn't like mine though. The shape, the color had changed slightly. It was a darker grey and was longer. Could he have come onto the same ground as his Zanpakuto spirit?

"If you are wondering, I have unlocked my Zanpakuto spirit," he said smugly, almost reading my mind, "I haven't really used it on any souls yet, but I intend to tonight," his voice lowered, venom dripping from every word. He began to walk around me in a circle, running his fingers over the blade. "I must say, the power is amazing and so was the attention. I was always loved by the staff. I never had a problem at this school. Of course until you came." He swung downwards, slicing a thin blade of grass. "The only real rival I had was Hiyori. Then you came in. You became the center of attention. The little prodigy child. Pathetic! These damn teachers! Always finding favor in the trash and sewage waste." My expression darkened slightly. "All the attention went to you. Have you noticed? Nearly every captain who comes looks at you. I'll teach them not to dig around for things that aren't worth it." He paused, "When I lost to Hiyori, I realized that embarrassed, is an understatement. I plan to get revenge you see. Not on her yet though. I know that I will lose again, so I've set my sights on something that may matter to her, her little apprentice. Let's see if Hiyori is as good of a teacher as she is a fighter."

He dashed at me, hatred boiling in his eyes. His movements were quick and much more advanced than the others. Luckily, my small body allowed me to move just as fast, maybe even quicker. Planting his feet into the ground, he swiped at me with amazing speed. As fast as I could, I blocked the swing, strands of chopped hair falling to the ground. Gasping as blood began to trickle down my forehead, I winced. He began to laugh, his head fallen. He lifted his head to reveal a grotesque sight. His eyes had thinned much like the slits of a cats, insanity oozing from his eyes. He wore a large toothy grin, drool falling from the gaps between his teeth. His hair was ruffled and spots of scalp showed in the lighting. I gagged.

"Eat the Fear, Sekitsui Kurora!" A brilliant burst of light filled the darkness. Dust flew around like a swarm of bees. I covered my eyes from the dust. The energy in the air intensified. It was only a matter of minutes until someone suspected the energy and came to investigate. The dust settled to reveal Rei with a blade that looked appeared like a paddle with tiny little metal attatched to the sides. Oddly, it reminded me of the body and limbs of a cockroach.

I began to feel queezy. Slimy worms and centipedes crawled from the cracks of the earth. Jumping in the air to avoid the bugs, I shriek. A shadow loomed above me. I instantly regretted jumping. His sword came crashing into my shoulder, blood gushing from the wound. I gasp as my vision blurred. He slashed again, this time stabbing me in the stomach. Everything seemed to flow by so slowly. I fell to the ground, numb from all the pain. My eyes were wide as the bugs crawled all around me.

Black began to fill my eyes. It was a familiar blackness though, like I've been here many times. I stood up and walked around blindly. Sand was filled in my clothes.

"It's a shame you can't see me." A voice from the darkness said. I reached for my sword only to find air around me. It wasn't there. "I'm in front of you, ya know. If you would open your eyes, you would see me." I felt a soft fur rub against my leg.

"Where am I?" I ask, still blind.

"Would you believe me? You're still so young. There are so many dangers for you to witness. Are you sure you want to know?"

"Just tell me!" I demanded.

"Let me just ask ya, are you afraid? Can you feel yourself dying, drowning?" The voice asked, ignoring my demand.

"No. I can't. I don't feel anything. No pain. Nothing." I say, confused.

"Let me ask again. Are you afraid?"

"I-I... I don't know. I don't know what I feel." I reply, tears threatening to spill over.

"I see. I could help you," The voice said after a pause, "Help you understand this feeling of not knowing. It's not good to lie, especially to someone who knows you like I do. I know you're scared. But it's not really about you, is it? You're concerned for the people around you who will need to put up with that little roach. Well ya not gonna go anywhere if you just wallow in that fear. Plus that roach is feeding off of that fear. You're gonna have to learn that to be able to help these people, you ain't gonna do it alone. I'll help you, but if you can't see me I can't help you."

"How do I see you?" I asked.

"Will you accept my help?"



"What? Why? So I can win?"

There was a low growl that came from the right side of my body. "I'm sorry, that sounded like a question. Why do you want my help?"

"So I can save Hiyori." Another growl.

"No use lying.Wh-"

"So I can protect everyone from the danger!" I screamed in frustration. Once again there was a growl.

"I don't think so." I began to cry, tears flowing from my eyes. "What do you feel? What do you want from that roach?"

"Revenge for threatening the lives of people." I cried, barely audible.

"Good." The voice said. "Now the first thing you need to understand it not being able to know. If you want me to save you, you're gonna have to take the chance of diving deeper into this place you don't know. Wander around, release that fear."

Wiping my tears, I began to slowly walk forward. There was no pain in my body. The ground squished underneath my feet. There was nothing but black. Slipping my shoes off, I pushed my feet farther into the ground. Sandy was the first thing that came to my mind. I bent over to soak my hands in the softness when I felt a fur body slide across the back of my legs. I froze. Fear paralyzed me.

"Don't be afraid. He won't attack you. He's here to guide you. To help you understand your fear. To help you overcome that fear."

I took a deep breathe. I felt the fear washing away from me. Slowly I was able to gain light. At first it appeared as a white flame, then it grew engulfing the darkness. It was the nightmare all over again, but there was no sense of fear or rush. There was only curiosity. In front of me was an old teenage looking girl with two long black braids falling from a ponytail high on her head and a sand colored head band. Her bangs slightly covered her eyes. They were a light sandy color and her skin was lightly tanned. She wore a black tight top that exposed her midriff which was covered in a tattoo of a black panther on the left and back area and long black leggings. She had longish black nails that resembled claws and a tattoo of an hourglass on her right upper arm.


"Am I?" The girl finished. "Depends. You're running out of time so I'll make a deal. If you can land a single hit on me then I'll tell you my name. But, you have a time limit. If this hourglass finished before you land a hit on me then I'll send you back to dying."

A sword began to form on my left shoulder. I unsheathed it and studied it closely. It was pure black. Energy radiated from every indention. I mounted it into my hands and stared back at her.

"The floor is all yours" She smirked.

Thanks for reading and all the votes. I'm still kind of behind my school work because of a sickness which caused me to be out for about a week and then I tore two of my ligaments during a practice. I havent been up to speed yet so don't kill me if this chapter sucks. haha. Please leave comments with constructiveness if ya want. Happy reading!

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