Chapter 13

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           Who ever made the statement that time flies when you put your mind to work really knew what they were talking about. Not only was my mind put to work, but my body as well. Maybe it was my petite sized or young age, but I was exhausted.  It's only been six months since I first began my duties as a third seat, and I've never had a break. I know, I'm complaining, but for me, this is the biggest struggle I've had since training with Hiyori back in school.

           Every day was filled with running papers back and forth from different squads, resting during a small lunch break, and back to running between the squads. I was seriously reconsidering being a soul reaper. This was definitely not what I had in mind when I joined. Wasn't the soul reapers life full of battle and killing hollows, and not of paperwork?

           However, I do have to thank my choice in career because without being a soul reaper, I wouldn't have the friends I have today. If I wasn't a soul reaper, I wouldn't have met Hiyori or Gin. I wouldn't have met anyone. For that, I am grateful.

           Lately, I've been getting considerably closer to my captain and lieutenant. Lieutenant Sojin usually spends his lunch breaks with me as we talk. He's told me all about his plans to become the head of the Kuchiki clan and also about his son, Byakuya, who is training to become a soul reaper and head of the clan when his time is ready. Every two weeks, Captain Kuchiki will request a day where Sojin and I eat with him during the lunch break. Majority of the talk is about the events going on in the Seireitei, but closer to the end, we begin to talk and have a normal conversation. It's these times that I really see the real personalities of my superiors. The lieutenant is kind and optimistic, while my captain, really isn't as scary as he appears. He's very caring to those under him and is a very honorable man.

           While I do have my fun, I do have the hard work days where the paperwork delivering is at it's highest. On Wednesdays, the mountains of paper are stacked higher than me. Today's last paper delivery is for Squad 12. Surprisingly, I've never been to Squad 12 barracks. The majority of my paper deliveries are for Squad 1, 5, 8, and 13. 

           To get to Squad 12, I needed to pass through Squad 11 which I knew was bad news. Brutish, hard headed, and rude men were in this squad, and, from all the rumors, I was not looking forward to this. A nervous frown made its way onto my face as I passed by groups of men staring. Over the past months, I have been getting use to the stares, however, when older men stared at me, I was extremely uncomfortable, especially men known for challenging anything three feet by them. Heavy thuds were approaching behind me. The hair on the back of my neck rose. Not taking any chances, I flash stepped out of the barracks as fast as I could.

         Because of my small size, I was rather quick on my feet. I didn't stop running until I felt a thud on my forehead. I had crashed into someone. The force propelled both myself and the person in front of me a good distance apart. Due to the change of scenery, I gave a sigh of relief, knowing I had made it into Squad 12 without any confrontation from the other squad, however, when I looked up, I realized, with both feelings of bliss and fear, running into this person was far worse than any Squad 11 reaper. 

          "Why you little!!" the person yelled with pure fury in their eyes, however the look subsided briefly, "Kohaku?"

          I offered a small sheepish smile, obviously the wrong choice. The fury return to her eyes as Hiyori lunged at me. "You little dumbass!"

          Almost immediately I was put into a choke hold. I was always use to this whenever I upset her, but it felt different this time, almost like it was a struggle for her to hold me still. I stifled a giggle as she gave a huff and gave up, not before grabbing her shoe and smacking the back of my head with considerable force. That's when I noticed how much taller I got over the years at the school. I was officially taller than Hiyori by about three inches.

         "Wipe that smirk off your face," she said crossing her arms. "I wasn't expecting you here already. You were a first year when I graduated. How come you are here?" she asked, picking at her nails as if she wasn't interested.

         "I graduated a bit early, I guess," I said shyly.

         "No shit. Stop smiling like that. You look weak." I frowned, "Now you look like a brat."

          "Says the one shorter than me," I mumbled not so quietly.


          "Lieutenant, that is no way to treat the third seat of a noble squad," a voice said.

          "Captain Hikifune!" Hiyori yelped, "Wait you're a third seat!"

           "You're a lieutenant!"

            "I was waiting for those papers in you hand for a while. I was starting to get worried," Captain Hikifune interrupted our staring contest.

           "Ah! Yes! I forgot. My apologies," I bowed handing over the papers. 

          "Suck up, " Hiyori muttered.

           "At least I know some manners," I retorted, glaring at her.

           She scowled as her captain sighed and gave a puff of  helplessness. 

           "Would you like to come with us to get some tea?" asked Captain Hikifune, a pleasant smile replacing her previous exasperated look.

             "I would love to ma'am, however, I am on a tight schedule. Wednesdays are always the busiest," I reply bowing to her, "Maybe some other time."

             "Oh that's quite alright. Come over whenever. Hiyori could use the company."


            I gave a giggle and waved before turning away and sprinting towards my next stop.


Long awaited update. hehe. sorry. Kind of losing intrest in my own story but I will continue for the people who really like this. When Ever I get a comment or a vote, I always try to write and get something but my mind is always wandering way from writing. Updates will be slow because I dont know what to write, but I will still write. Thanks for the support!

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