Chapter 10

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               "Oh, you're back," I heard an all too familiar voice say in a bored tone.

               My mind began to rush with questions. It was hard to recall what had just happened since everything went by so quickly, short memories flashing from my mind trying to remember the recent events that took place. Giving up after a few minutes, I groaned and sat up to stare at Suna. She stared at me, juggling balls of black sand.

               "Do you know what happened to me?" I asked. To be completely honest, I thought I had just died.

               "No. I have no clue how my master, who I share a mind with, just landed unconsciously on the ground in front of me," she answered sarcastically, "Of course I know how you got here."

               My head jerked her way as if saying 'don't stop now'. "And?"

               "Well, it's kinda hard to explain," she paused, "When you went to save that asshole," she stopped, waiting for his name.

               "Akihiro," I sighed impatiently.

               She smirked, "Yeah, that asshole, Akihiro. When you went to save him, you exerted a lot of spiritual pressure. Of course that gave me more power, but that's not how you're supposed to use my powers. Anyway, somehow that hollow was able to evade your senses, and when it stabbed you, it broke a," she stopped, thinking of the words, "a shell like container that held your spiritual pressure. The hollow shattered it, then I guess you could say, you lost all control of your pressure. That's why you felt no pain. That's why the students around you were suffocating and the hollows were dead. That's why you fell unconscious."

               "Are they alright?"

               "How should I know? I'm not them. I'm you," she replied hotly.

               We sat in silence. From all the days I've had to get to know Suna, I learned that she never instigates the conversation, is very sassy, and is extremely easily distracted. Of course, this moment of silence allowed me to ponder over what I was told. That's not how you're supposed to use my powers. That hollow was able to evade your senses. The only question I had: How?

               "Teach me." I said.

               She gave me a confused look. "Teach you what?"

               "How to properly use your powers. I want to learn so that nothing can avoid me."


               "Please. I want to become stronger. I want to know how that hollow was able to evade me."

               "Alright. Fine. Why not? I'll feed you bits at a time. I think you're perfectly capable of absorbing the information. First, an explanation." I sat down eagerly taking in the information. "In my shikai form, I am able to control black sand that comes out of the sword. Remember that ball of black darkness? That is all controlled by spiritual pressure. Normally, it's not supposed to feed off of the user's pressure, but the opponent's. Whenever the blade cuts skin and draws blood, in whatever form, the ball of darkness with grow, making it stronger than before. The deeper the cut and more blood it draws, the stronger it is. If even one grain of sand is to touch and cut something or someone, that thing will basically be doomed. Every evil deed or plan will be sent into its demise. Got everything so far?" She chuckled at my face.

               It was hard to take everything in. The powers I could have were so damaging. How could any good come out of this power? I was scared to even attempt to control Suna's powers. Fear filled my mind.

               "Well, I guess that's good enough for you. I'll let you try to control it next time we meet. I think it's time you went back. Some people are concerned about you."

               Slowly my vision faded as well as my hearing, but Suna said something I could barely hear.

               "Maybe next time we can discover who that hollow was, if it even was one." Suna mumbled softly.

               I was slowly pulled back into reality. The air was significantly heavier as well as my body. The lights brightened as I peeked through my eyes to see my location. Beneath me was a soft bed and pillow with a blanket covering me. The first thing I took note to was Gin with a sorrowful look on his face.

               "I was beginning to worry about you," Gin said, looking down.

               "I should be saying that to you. Is everyone alright?"


               Silence hovered in the room. I ran my hand through my hair then down my neck. My hand stopped when I felt something warm wrapped tightly around my neck.

               "Gin. What is this?" I stiffened.

               "It's a prototype reiastu absorber. When you passed out, you let off a burst of reiastu. No one could come close to you except for Captains. They called for Captain of the 4th squad and she healed your wounds. She wasn't able to do anything about you pulsing spiritual pressure."

               I began to slide off of the bed when Gin hurried over to me trying to get me to lay back down.

               "Gin, relax. I'm fine! Besides I'm bored, and I've obviously been out for a while," I said motioning to the wilting flowers that were in a glass vase.

               He puffed up his cheek and pouted, "You're welcome for getting them for you."

               Chuckling, I shake my head and peer out the window. The sun was bright, almost blinding. "How long was I out?" I asked out of curiosity.

               Gin stopped pouting and looked down before saying, "About two weeks."

               Turning to him, I smiled and jumped off the bed. "Well, that means we are gonna graduate soon! Come on! We have one week. We need to train for the final exam!"

               My hand wrapped around his skinny, pale arm and pulled him out of the building. Some of the nurses were scurrying about yelling at me and trying to catch me, but for once, it felt nice to not listen to them. It never felt so good to run before. My muscles were aching to be used.

               "How is it possible that after waking up, you have so much energy?" Gin muttered, trying not to stumble on his feet.

               It felt as though I was a completely new person. I felt free. Free of care. Maybe it was the continuous waves of spiritual pressure rippling throughout my body, but I felt faster, stronger, better than ever. Whatever that hollow did, I'm glad it did it because now, I felt like no one could stop me.


So this is a really bad chapter, but an update is an update. I am delighted to say I'm on summer break right now so I will be updating more often rather than once a month. Thanks for all the reads and support.

Until next time!

Have a great day.

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