Chapter 8

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Two years had passed and as my teacher said, I excelled surprisingly fast. This was my last year here until I had graduated into becoming a seated or unseated officer in the Gotei 13. The last two years were just as stressful as the next. The curriculum only got harder, and the technique was a bit more to a point. Teachers constantly used me as examples to the lower years in which envy grew. This caused me to be friendless. However, no one would really pick on me except the stupid chunk of students who were failing the curriculum. Many knew me as the kid who beat a sixth year in my first year, and the kid with the badass friend, Hiyori.

This year began the same as any year. Students hustled around to find their schedules, uniforms, and dorm assignments. My room had stayed the same; however, a pile of mess was stacking in the corner of my room. Not many new students had been assigned a dorm with the sixth years. I hadn't really heard of anyone who had moved into the sixth year's area.

It was a nice day today. The sun was bright and warm, and the birds chirped a happy song of refreshing tunes. I strolled around the campus away from the crowded courtyards. It was just my luck to run into the area where Hiyori and I trained for hours at night. The memories took me far back. I yearned for the day when the pair of us would be united again. The ground was sandy and dusty, and the cherry blossom tree provided a large portion of shade.

Leaning against the tree, I slid down the rough bark, lightly placing my Zanpakuto on the ground beside. Kurai no Suna and I have reached a certain friendly basis. We had many memories and fights together, so our bond is stronger. We've also had training sessions in my inner world at night, just like Hiyori's sessions. These training sessions were just as hard, even a little harder. Suna really knew how to push me hard, teaching me to perfect all of her techniques.

My eyes drooped farther down every minute. The cool breeze cradled me in a sheet of fresh air. The cherry blossoms swirled on the ground, creating a soft tune of scratching sounds. A sudden crunch pulled me out of my relaxed state. My eyes shot open, surveying the area only to find a group of sixth year. To be exact, the only group who picks on me. Their leader, Akihiro, stood tall with his signature smirk plastered on his pale skin.

"Have you heard?" he asked. With a nonchalant shake of my head, he continued, "The spot light won't be on you anymore. There's a new prodigy child. They expect him to graduate the same time as us. The teachers even made arrangements to put him on our floor of dorms. I heard he's around nine years old. Isn't that the same time you came? Shouldn't you be graduated?"

"He's younger than me, yes, but he's younger than you by a landslide. I'd like to ask why you haven't graduated yet." I reply calmly hoping for them to leave me alone.

I could feel his spiritual pressure rising drastically. Slipping a peek, my left eye lifted slightly to see his enraged face. His band of Baboons stood behind him with a dumbstruck face as if my comment was the smartest thing they have ever heard.

"Well, I could graduate this minute if I wanted to. With my nobility, I could become a lieutenant or a captain. Beat that." Akihiro hotly remarked, pulling his noble pendulum out from his uniform.

Arguing was usless, so I reached for my Zanpakuto. A foot stepped on my hand lightly. "I'm not done with you yet."

"But I am done with you." I reply, standing up. I could hear Suna screaming to kill this guy for laying a foot on her, noble or not.

He began to apply more pressure on Suna, causing me to frown. Using Hiyori's combat techniques, I swiftly knocked him off of his feet by sweeping my foot underneath him. With one last kick to the abdomen, Akihiro flew into his group of idiots, creating a huge mess of bodies. Groans were heard followed by an applause from the shadows of the building. A tiny body approached me. He was two to three inches shorter than me with silver hair, skinny eyes and a large grin.

"That was a very nice kick. Very quick as well," the boy said to me. He gave off a confident, mischievous air.

"Ha! That's the kid! Our new leader!" Akihiro exclaimed from the ground, giving a nudge to one of his companions who was about to protest out of confusion.

"I am? I don't recall ever agreeing to that," the boy said slyly, "Anyway, enough of that group of obvious failures. My name is Gin Ichimaru I hope we can become great friends."

In any time of the day, I would have gladly accepted his offer of friendship, but as of now, I was in an irritated mood. Bending down, my hand reached for my zanpakuto. After retrieving Suna, I gave Gin a small smile.

"The name's Kohaku, Kohaku Usagi. Who knows, maybe we will turn out to be great friends." I turned on my heel and began to walk away. Looking over my shoulder, a guilty look made its way onto my face. Gin's head was low with a sad expression on his face.

Stopping in my track, I gave a long sigh and turned back to Gin. "Come on, I'll show you around." His head rose along with his eyebrows. "I'm not going to wait forever." I say, turning once again. Within three steps, Gin was striding next to me, his façade up once again.


So here is a short update. I will hopefully be able to keep posting. As always if there are any suggestions please leave comments. If you liked the story please leave a vote and comment.
Thanks for all the support.
Until next time!

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