Chapter 9

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               Surprisingly, Gin and I had become friends through the jealousy of lower students. Many students tried to bully us because we were younger, but ultimately they would always be intimidated by Gin and his creepy grin. Gin was a brilliant kid, smart, cunning, and powerful. However, I did notice his very deceitful nature and his amazing abilities in getting away with many things. Teacher thought of us as the two stars trying to out shine one another and often paired the two of us together during spars because the other students would not be able to handle our attacks. Each time, our battles would go on longer than anyone else's and our wounds would be much more severe. Gin's tactics during battles gave him an upper hand, however, due to his young age and body, his endurance was lacking compared to mine.

               The year was progressing faster and faster, soon to the point where I and many other higher classed students began to question our future as soul reapers. All of us sixth year students had a basic grasp of what normal soul reapers did on a daily basis. We had learned the history of soul reapers, hollows, quincies, and zanpakutos, so we knew our duties. We had learned how to slay hollows, purify souls, and perform Konso.

               For the curriculum, plans were made for the first class of the sixth years to go into the world of the living and fight against hollows alongside members from the Gotei 13. Within two of these practices, our graduation was to come, and with everyday passing, these plans were closer to coming into work. Our groups were assigned, and practices in ambushes were being taught. Gin and I were on the same team along with the other stronger students, surprisingly with Akihiro.

               After many weeks of training together, the plans have finally been set into motion. Today was the second day we left for the world of the living. Gin's excited vibes pulsed and was quite obvious even if his façade didn't show it. Since becoming best friends, he told me everything about his past and why he wanted to become a soul reaper in which I returned the favor. Now, I know his real face, not this fake face he puts on in front of everyone else. We know each other so well. We could basically read each other's minds if we wanted to.

               Rushing throughout my room, I scrambled around, looking for all of my necessary equipment. Mentally scolding myself for not being more organized, I swiftly flash stepped to Gin's room which he was waiting outside of his door with his signature grin spread across his face.

               "Sorry for keeping you waiting. I lost my -," I was cut off.

               "Shirt?" He finished.

               He shook his head while chuckling and began to walk, leaving me behind. That brat! My feet quickened their pace and began to stride beside him. He shot off into a flash step. Groaning, I flash stepped to his side and gave him a nasty look. He just laughed and proceeded forward. The cool breeze ran through my short hair. I had kept my hair the same since the Rei incident because it was easier to move in.

               Since today was our second and last practice in the world of the living, majority of the class knew what to do. It was a proper procedure for all of us to meet up in the designated spot and wait for everyone to show up before we left. The last practice we went to wasn't that hard, but this time the teachers said there was going to be Captains from the Gotei 13, scouting for the newest members of their squads.

               As we arrived in the area we're supposed to wait in, the crowd of students stared straight into the portal. It was fairly obvious that some of the students were terrified of the fact that Captains were going to be there. Many were shaking and had uneven breaths. Soon I began to pick up on their nervousness. Gin noticed this and placed a hand on my back comfortingly.

               The officials had arrived and beckoned us into the portal. We separated into our groups and began to walk, disappearing into the portal. Taking a deep breath, I passed through. When we arrived, the place was filled with hollows, all taking notice to our presence.

               "To your spots!" the leaders of the groups shrieked.

               As we were taking up our positions, hollows from all around dive bombed us and began to attack. Unsheathing Suna, I sliced through the masks of the hollows with ease. When our formation was complete, our plans commenced.

               We were all holding our part well, except one person on our team, Akihiro, the boy who was all bark but no bite. From what I saw, he was frozen, surrounded by at least ten hollows. He was shaking uncontrollably, his zanpakuto weakly gripped in his hand. If he didn't move, he was going to be killed. Something in me didn't want to intervene, but I pushed that aside.

               I felt a pulse in the back of my head. "Haunt, Kurai no Suna!" I cried, lunging toward the flock of hollows with black sand trailing behind me.

               As I sliced the air with my sword, a wave of black sand blasted towards the horde of hollows, knocking them down one by one. Suddenly, a pain began to appear on my upper back and through my chest. Something in my chest had cracked, but somehow, I felt stronger.

               I had completely forgotten of my swarm of hollows in my area. Flipping my sword, I stabbed backwards and lifted my sword. The hollow who stabbed me disintegrated into black dust. It's reaistu gathered to the dense ball of blackness. I raised my sword, ignoring the throbbing pain in my chest, and shot a pulse of black sand, destroying every hollow that was coming towards me.

               A hand was placed on my back which I then sliced at, unknowing who or what it belonged to. My zanpakuto was met with one of its kind. In front of me was Captain of the Thirteenth Squad, Jushiro Ukitake.

               "Lower your spiritual pressure child. These students can't handle it," The man said to me.

               All around me were students falling to the ground, coughing, suffocating. The only one standing was Gin, smiling his usual grin, but I know he was struggling, beads of sweat dripping slowly down the sides of his face. Closing my eyes, I tried to calm my body down. I wasn't completely sure how to stop my flow of energy. It felt as if there was more than usual. Suna transformed back into her original form, so I guess it was a good start. The students around me began to breathe once again.

               Pain soon began to consume my thoughts. As my spiritual pressure decreased, the pain in my abdomen increased drastically. Taking a kneel, I scrunched over, clutching my stomach. The wound from the hollow, I had totally forgotten about it. Immediately, members of the Gotei 13, who I assumed were from the fourth squad, were next to me, treating my wounds. Black spots began to form in my vision, and soon I fell unconscious.


So here's another chapter. I know it's kinda short, but I hope that it was alright. I'm trying to make the story go faster by skipping all of her years because it would take forever and the 'Juicier' parts are later on when she gets into a squad and meet everyone. I don't think anyone reads these A/N but if anyone does, please leave a comment or advice on how to improve my writing/ story. Also I was thinking about having some romance in the story. If this sounds like a horrible idea and you think I should stick to the action all the time, please leave a comment saying so.

Thanks for all the support.

Until next time!

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