Chapter 11

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Tonight was the last night I was ever going to sleep in these dorms. Most not if all of the sixth year students had graduated, and tomorrow was the ceremony. Every captain was rumored to appear for the ceremony and maybe bring their lieutenants. After the ceremony, the captains are going to pick who they want to fill in their empty position.

My graduating class was certainly one of the best that had ever come out of the school says some of the teachers. This year isn't the best for trying to fill in empty positions because there aren't that many openings. Only three squads have positions open, two in Squad 13, three in Squad 8, and one in Squad 6. With six positions open, and a graduating class of one hundred and twenty one students, the stakes are high. I'm happy with where ever I get put, even if I end up without a rank like the rest of the students.

Tossing and turning, I restlessly lay there for three hours, unable to control my excitement. My legs were itching to stretch themselves, and with the energy building inside of me, I decided to take a walk. I grabbed Suna, slipped her around my waist and headed out into the cool night air.

The moon was bright and huge, projecting light nearly everywhere. Walking to my favorite cherry blossom tree, I admired the silvery light that fell into the dark corners of the halls. When I reached the tree, I leaned on it and slid down slowly, placing Suna in my lap. The slight breeze blew my hair softly to the rhythm of the blowing leaves. The soothing melody set my mind to ease as my eyes fell, dosing off. A sudden crunching of leaves jolted me awake as I scanned the dark areas around me, my hand clenched around my Zanpakuto. From the corner of my eyes, a mess of silver hair slowly closed in. It was Gin. Might as well have some fun with this.

"Hey!" my voice rang. Gin looked up shocked.

"W-What are you doing here?" Gin asked.

"I could ask the same to you. I saw you leave, and followed you," I lied, hands firmly pressed into my hips, "I saw everything."

His face was priceless, paled as if all the blood left his face, and I just couldn't hold it in any longer. I cracked out laughing, falling to my knees trying to catch my breath. The next time I looked up, Gin stood there arms crossed with the most expression on his face that I had ever seen.

"Oh come on, I was just kidding," I say straightening up, "Unless you were doing something I should know about."

"That was not funny," Gin frowned.

"No, it really was," I teased, but something caught my eye again. "What's that? On your face?" I reached up and swiped at it. "Is this blood? What happened? Are you hurt?"

He grabbed my wrist, "I'm fine," Something obviously happened and I was going to get an answer. Sighing, he said, "It's not my blood. I was out walking because I couldn't sleep. I felt a hollow somewhere and I felt I should kill it, so I went after it. This is hollow blood, not mine, so don't worry about it. Now, I'm tired, so I'm gonna get some sleep."

With that, he left, leaving me to ponder over what happened. My mind was working so fast and felt like all my gears were turning just to figure out what really happened. Doing that gave me a migraine, so brushing off what happened, I trudged back to my room and passed out in my bed.

The next day

It was finally time for the ceremony. We all lined up alphabetically, so naturally with my name being Usagi, I was in the back with no friends. All we really had to do was walk up to the captains and give our respects and thanks by bowing to each one. After that, we would receive a scroll which indicated we graduated.

Once the ceremony started, the line of students began to move. Finally I was within sight of the captains. Slowly we made our way to them, moving one by one. Captain Jushiro Ukitake stood in front of me at last and gave me a small smile, which I returned as I bowed low. Next was captain of Squad 12. I had never met her, so her name was a mystery to me. Slowly, we inched down the line and I stood before the man who encouraged me to start it all. Captain of Squad 6, Captain Ginrei Kuchiki. I bowed low and came up with a beaming grin. The edges of his mouth curled into a tiny smile, unnoticeable to anyone but me. Finally I made it to Head Captain Yamamoto. His spiritual pressure was amazing and certainly shocked me as I neared him.

Giving one last bow, I was handed my scroll, and I scurried to the end of the line again. After all of the students received their scrolls, we stood in line as a teacher began to speak about the positions in the squads. The results were about to be delivered.

Not expecting to hear my name get called out, my mind began to do what it is most famous for, wandering. I began to think back about what happened last night with Gin. What was he really doing? There is something he isn't telling me. I'll have to ask him later.

"-the new third seat of Squad six is Kohaku Usagi. Please come forward."

My eyes opened so wide I thought they were about to explode. Feeling flustered, I shuffled up to Captain Ginrei and bowed again. This couldn't be happening. Me of all the brilliant students in my class, I was chosen as his third seat. Baffled, I stood behind him just as the other chosen students had done with their new captains.

"Well, that is-" the teacher began.

Just then Captain of Squad Five, Shinji Hirako, walked forward, placing a hand on the teacher and said in a loud voice, "Do to an unexpected death of my fifth seat officer, I need to appoint a new one. For my choice, I choose Gin Ichimaru." Gin got up and bowed before him, his façade stronger than ever.

By the time the ceremony had ended, it was night. Everyone graduated officially and was put to their squad rooms for a long rest before starting their duties. Gin and I, along with all the other chosen ones, separated and followed our captains to our rooms. The walk to Squad Six barracks was silent, not a noise to be heard. I trailed behind Captain Kuchiki with a respectful amount of distance. When we came to a stop, without turning around, he said, "This is your room. Everything you need will be in there. My lieutenant will wake you up tomorrow so you can begin your duties. Congratulations." I bowed to him as he left even though he couldn't see me. Raising my head, I entered my room and fell asleep, unable to process the day.


I believe I owe all of my readers an apology. This past month I was on a cross country trip around the U.S. At first, I thought I was going to bring my laptop, but because of restricted time, I forgot to pack it. Believe me I was planning on writing and posting, and I'm sorry for not following through. Anyway, thanks for all your patience.

This chapter is kinda short but hopefully good enough for now. I'm kinda losing inspiration for this story, but I will continue to write, may it be slow. Leave a comment for anything.

Have a great day!

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