Chapter 3 - The Basics

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The clock read 4:30. At least I’m not late. I sat up and grabbed the uniform from my closet. Laying it on the bed, I trudged to the chair by my desk. All of my books laid there. I grabbed the top one and opened it. Secrets to Mastering Hakuda. My eyes skimmed the pages, totally immersed in the facts and secrets.

After finishing the book, I placed it on the other side of my desk. Before I reached for the next one, I glanced at the clock. 5:45. An hour until the Assembly starts. Disappointed that I couldn’t read on, I slipped into my uniform and grabbed the black head band from my Grandma. Walking outside, my door shut and my gaze fell to the silent hallways. I walked down the stairs and decided to explore the school. There were many empty court yards and classrooms. I eventually became lost. Wandering around the school, I stopped and decided to watch the sun rise. As I turned the corner to the large window, I saw a small girl with two blonde pig tails.

“Hello.” I say politely. She turned to face me. “My name is Kohaku. Would you mind telling me where I am?”

“Heh? Dumbass. How’d you get lost?” She said, her languages catching me off guard.

“I-I’m a first year.” I stutter as if I did something wrong.

“Come with me. The Assembly will start soon.” She said, beginning to walk away.

I hurried to walk in step with her. “What’s your name if you don’t mind me asking.”

“The name’s Hiyori. I’m probably the worst person to get into a fight with. I’m a sixth year.” She said proudly.

“She so short though.” I whisper to myself.

“What was that!?” she shouted.

“Haha nothing.” I said, sweat dropping.

We walked in silence until we reached the doors to the room. “Can we be friends?” I asked innocently.

She looked taken back. “S-sure.” She stuttered looking away.

 I smiled and bowed to her. “Thank you for being my first friend.”

She walked away from me and took a seat in the section label six. I walked to the section label one and sat in a chair, waiting for the others to enter. Moments later, the room was filled with boys and girls of all ages. The teachers shushed everyone down and someone stepped forward. Uninterested, I searched through the line of people on the stage. My eyes widened at the sight of the two men from the table yesterday. The man stopped talking and the two men gathered on stage.

“Hello my name is Kyoraku Shunsui. I am captain of squad eight and this is Kaien Shiba, lieutenant of squad thirteen. We just wanted to share some words of encouragement to all of you.” The man in the pink robe said. “We wanted to say that we were in your position in the past. There will be hard ships, but to succeed, you must persevere.  Always strive to be the best you can be without being reckless. One day we will welcome you into the Gotei 13. I urge you to be steadfast but also have some fun in between.” He finished. I hadn’t noticed his gaze on me until after he left the stage.

The rest of the assembly droned on which I didn’t pay attention to. My eyes wandered everywhere there was movement. Bored out of my mind, I continued to look for something to distract me. The next thing I know the students all around me were leaving the room.  Looks like class is starting. Standing up, my feet moved to the door.

After the assembly, I went to my classroom which reminded me more of a fighting dojo. The teacher was rather funny and like to make fun of those who did something wrong. After teaching us some moves, he would walk around to correct us. He was rather impressed with my skills. I’m lucky I read that book or else I wouldn’t understand this stuff. Across the room I could feel jealous looks piercing into my back.

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