Chapter 16

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Grateful. No other words could express my feelings towards my captain and lieutenant. There is no other squad I would rather be in. Despite being a target for snide remarks, Squad Six finally feels like a home for me.

"I must say, the training you went through with Captain Shihoin benefited your agility skills. However," there was a pause in Lieutenant Sojin's sentence as the two Zanpakutos collided, "you cannot defeat me with those little dodging tricks."

Truth be told, Lieutenant Sojin was much stronger than I had originally depicted him as. Despite his softer personality, his attacks constantly kept me on my toes, unable to counter any of his attacks. Lucky enough, Yoruichi did teach me how to dodge attacks, however, going on the offense was a completely different story. I hadn't talked to Captain Shihoin since I was told not to train with her and felt horrible with leaving without an explanation.

With each strike and lunge, Lieutenant Sojin's attack got closer and closer to contact, a broad smirk playing upon his lips. Fighting him was just like fighting water. There was no way for me to win with just my Zanpakuto. At this point, my breath was haggard, and my movements began getting sloppier and sloppier. I knew I wouldn't last much longer and so did Lieutenant Sojin. His next swipe almost grazed me, slicing off two strands of my hair. My breath hitched as my foot landed onto an uneven area of land, twisting my ankle and moving me off balance. His sword came barreling towards me, and, as a last resort, I decided to use a move that Hiyori had taught me while in the academy. My body twisted in the air, a hand firmly planted into the ground, as my legs delivered a series of brutal kicks outwards.

Finally, I had hit him. A moment had passed, almost in slow motion. Just like fighting water. Each kick had made solid contact, and, if it had been anyone else, they would have gone flying with the momentum and speed of the kicks. Instead, the kicks seemed to make contact and brush off almost immediately like no contact had been made at all. Fighting water. His hand shot out, stopping my incoming kick, and grabbed my ankle. With a tug of his wrist, I had hit the ground, his Zanpakuto lightly pressed against my throat. 

"Rule number one when fighting a Kuchiki," the man who had barely broken a sweat began, "We will always be faster." 

"That's not really a rule," I panted, giving a pout, "I think the rule should be: never underestimate an opponent."

He let out a loud chuckle and released his hold on my ankle. He was back to his soft personality once again, "Perhaps. You did well, however, your movements are far too stiff and jerky. It would help if you relaxed a bit." He gave a soft smile, his arm outstretched to help me up.

I limped alongside Lieutenant Sojin to his office for tea and to patch up my ankle. He had begun to speak about how to remain fluid in battle yet being able to stand firm to counter attack. He had poured us both a cup of tea and wrapped my ankle in some cloth. We sat there talking, and I was finally able to get to know him more than just a higher up, but as a friend. 

Our conversations had become much like how I would sit with Captain Shihoin late at night. I had learned much from my lieutenant as days and training had passed by. Not only had my skill in combat improve from his teachings, but also my knowledge of him as a person, as a friend. We would spend our morning drinking tea and talking to one another after training. One day, our conversation moved onto our families. 

"I have a son, quite a fiery soul, roughly around your age," Sojin mentioned with a loving smile on his face. He paused and gave a laugh, "He could learn a lot from you. He needs more lessons on relaxing than you. One day, I hope you get to meet him and be friends. Maybe then that little hot head will learn something."

I blushed at the compliment, "Will he also be joining Squad Six?"

"Hopefully. Our squad has held the Kuchiki name for many years. Perhaps you could be the one who ends that legacy and starts another."

I frowned almost immediately, "I don't want that. I'd never want that."

His gaze was soft as he let out a sigh, "One day you will have to start thinking of the future. After both my father and I leave this squad, someone will need to take over.  Looking at how the events are falling into place, I'd place you above my son. Promise me you won't let your potential rot."

My face had fallen. The future is scary, far too unpredictable for my liking, and I never like to look too far ahead. The present is what needs to be taken care of, right? Without a present, there's no hope for a future. I looked back up at him, seeing his eyes so soft towards me, almost pleading. I'd never want to let my friends down, so with a reluctant sigh and a semi determined face, I replied, "I promise."

He ruffled my hair, my innocent eye peered up at him. "You'd make a fine Kuchiki."


Hello! Author-chan is back, feeling quite guilty. Thank to all those encouraging comments and pleas for updates, I've decided to try and revive this story. It's a short chapter, but long for an author with writer's block. I love all those comments you all have written and it really does inspire me to write. I don't wanna let you guys down so I'll try my best. 

I love reading your comments so if you have any questions or really anything, don't hesitate to comment. The comments are my inspiration. 

Thanks for all the support!

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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