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I take the letter and throw it out, however, I keep the clothes because at least he cannot say I do not keep what he gives me. I'll give him that much, I believe they are actually name brand and from an actual store unlike the thrift store clothing I get all the time.

"Well, I'm going to go explore the school a bit, wanna come with?" Victoria grabs her jacket and stands near the door.

"Nah, you go ahead, I'm going to help Rainne set up around here. I'll meet up later," Ashes eyes mine and he gives a wink, which goes unnoticed by Victoria. She steps out and closes the door behind her.

"Soo..." Ashes rocks back and forth in the bed, "The name is Ashes Dawn."

"Ashes, huh? Isn't that the name of some extreme metal band from like...2001?"

"I think you mean Dawn of Ashes, but close enough."

"Hmph...so, like, are you going to help me out with my things?"

"Do you need any help?"

"Not really."

He heaves a sigh of relief, "Oh, thank god. I thought you were legit, I'm like, so terrified of hard work!"

I raise an eyebrow, "Oh my god, was that weird?"

I don't really answer back, I just shake my head and fall silent. The awkward tensions between us instantly turning into this monotonous silence. I mean, I am awkward a lot of the time but this was just....painful. 

"So, Anastasia Rainne, huh? I like your name, it is both mysterious and beautiful at the same time."

"I really do not see how, but thanks."

"Shall we explore this fine establishment?"

"Wouldn't Victoria be upset since we just blew her off?"

"Nah, she's cool. It isn't like she will murder us for something petty like that."

He grabs his keys and leads me out the door to the elevators. When we're inside, he taps the button with a star on it and stars at the metal doors. While we are moving downward I get a good look at him. He is quite tall, about 5'10, with dirty blonde hair pulled to his right in a quiff. His eyes are a deep blue-green, unlike any I have seen before. They are as crystal as the oceans at the Bahamas. The elevator stops at the first floor and opens up, revealing glass windows bringing brightness back again. We walk out the dorm area and into the main building where students are in small groups or frantically walking around, taking in the academy. Ashes leads me upstairs to the second floor,"Hey, I've got to show you something! It's amazing." He leads me down a hallway to a library, he sprints to a vacant computer and I trail behind him. Suddenly I am wiped out by a bookshelf as books rain down. 

A girl is kneeled down on the carpet, her hands covering her face. She uncovers her face, looking at the stack of books in various places, "Damn!" She scurries around, passing the books trying to find something else. Another figure walks down the aisle where the book-nado has ended. In his hands were a pair of pink glasses, he follows the girl, still searching for what I assume now are her glasses, and taps her on the shoulder. She flinches and he kneels down, handing her the glasses. She smiles and covers her face for a few seconds and gets her glasses from him. I grab a few of her books and walk over to her while she is day dreaming. She finally snaps back to reality and takes the books, "Thanks." Seconds later, Ashes comes by with another pile of books and hands them to her. She looks up at him, "Oh, thanks, Ash." He nods at her, "Oh, and thanks...I don't know your name, but thank you." Ashes turns to me, "Oh! Uh, this is Rainne, she is a newcomer." She stands up, "Oh! Yokoso, yokoso, Rainne! I'm Avery." She shakes my hand and looks from me to Ashes, "Very kawaii," and she walks away. Ashes laughs, "Don't be such a weeaboo, Avery!" 

"Oh, shut up! I don't give a crap!"

He leads me to the computer and shows me a super lame video of cats moving their head to "Turn Down for What?" he seems more entertained than I do, but he is super cute doing so. 

After watching the video we walk out to the pool, where Kyle is out on a lounge chair reading the same Harry Potter book and the same guy at the library is sitting on another chair, drawing. I now can get a better look at him, and he is pretty cute, honestly. He is quite pale, like me, with blonde hair that is brown at the roots that is messily swept to the right side making his dark brown eyes stand out. He looks up from his sketch book, staring directly at me and smiles and goes back to drawing. Kyle looks up from his book and goes up to Ash and I, "AYEE! ASH & RAINNE! What's up?" Ashes stands right in front of him and they stare at each other for a second before laughing extremely hard. They put their right arm over left like the ending sign for day in ASL, then they make an x with their arms then clap the backside of their hands. They do this multiple times before finally, putting their index finger of their left hand by their eye and putting their right hand on their hip while squatting. Then they hug and start laughing again. 

Oh. My. God. 

Are they gay?

It's not that I have an issue with homosexuality or anything but from experience every cute guy is gay and I am losing my options.

Don't believe me?

Connor Franta, Tyler Oakley, Matt Bomer, Matt Dallas...need I go on?

"..Rainne?" They are both staring at me with a mask of confusion covering them.


"What do you think?"

"I'm sorry, what ws it?"

"What do you think of Hope's Peak so far?"

"Oh, OH! Uh, I think it's nice so far."

The guy who was drawing stands up and goes toward us, "You can just feel the gay here, why don't I take the lovely girl around while your homo-fest takes off?"

They didn't even get a chance to answer before he takes me by the wrist and walks out the door, leaving his clothes behind. "I think you left your clothes." He stares at me and snickers, "Not like anyone will have a problem with seeing me shirtless."

 He leads me down the stairs and stops mid-way, "So, tell me about yourself, Rainne, right?"

"Oh, yeah, there isn't much to tell. I don't think I got your name, though."

"Oh, well, my name is Charlie, Charlie Graham."

The stairway gets super quiet as footsteps go by, making tapping echoes around the surrounding areas.

"So, are you one of those sceanie-weanie type chicks, right?"

"Excuse me?"

"You've never heard of a sceanie-weanie? Those girls with the same haircut, skinny jeans, band merch, etc.?" 

"Sorry to disappoint, I have no clue what the hell that is."

"Oh, it's chill,  you're to cute to be one of those type anyways."

He puts one arm on the wall next to me and leans close, I knew that I should of probably showed some type of discomfort being close to a complete stranger but what can I say? He was h o t. 

Suddenly, heels are clicking on the stairs and get louder with each second, "Having fun there?"

"Oh, uh--Ms. Meyer."

"Hello, Charlie, snagging the new girl, already?"

He turns bright red and slowly walks down the stairs and out the doorway. "Calm yourself, Ann, you've only been here for a day," she rubs my shoulder and begins to laugh, "Seems as if all the guys are looking at you, love. How will you chose just one?" I smile at my aunt and walk downstairs to the main floor and out to the student housing. 

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