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I drag the cold, metalic key from under my shirt and unlock the door to my dorm. A tall and tan figure is in front of me, full frontal shirtlessness. In utter shock I gasp and the figure turns around, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, Ash, was this a bad time?" He moves closer to me and laughs, "It's all good, gurl. Now turn around and twerk some." 

"This would be the perfect time to freak out and ask if that was weird because this got really weird." 

He shrugs and sits on the bed, "Hey, relax, you act as if you've never seen a shirtless guy before."

"I have, I mean, Charlie. I've never seen a shirtless guy alone in a dark room and I have a TON of mixed feelings about this." 

"Don't freak out, Rainne, I don't bite..that hard."

"Alright, Christian Grey, calm yourself."

"I'm sorry, who?"

"You know, that super executive guy from Fifty Shades of Grey, with the playroom?"

"Oh, like Peewee's playhouse type?"

He starts to do an impression of Peewee which was the most god-awful thing I've ever heard, "Wanna see my little peewee?"

"I'm sorry...what?"

"My little peewee..you know, from Smosh."

I roll my eyes at him, "Did you smack your head into a wall at the pool or something? You're hella weird right now."

He shrugs again, "Hey, wanna see something cool?"

He doesn't even give me a chance to reply before taking my by the wrists, grabbing two shower caps, and walks out the door. After we get out the door he stops and asks, "Hey, do you have a bathing suit?" I nod and give him another questioning look, "Go get it, you'll need it." I grab the my stuff from the closet and change quickly before leaving out the door.

[In case you cared about what outfit she was wearing it is the Batman one;


He leads me into the elevator and frantically taps the down button until the doors open, when he gets in he practically rips me into the elevator, my back hitting the wall and the small of my back slamming into the railing sending me a whirlwind of pain. I go down, wincing in pain, "Oh my god, are you okay?" Ashes kneels down and helps me up as the elevator stops at the first floor. I glare at him, "This better be good or I will smother you in chloroform." He backs away in a defensive manner and leads me into the main building. 

 In the main building were a few people, one Asian girl writing in a notebook conversing with a guy. I even recognize the girl from the library. They all look up at Ashes and me, the guy next to the Asian girl calls out, "Hey, Ash, what's up?" He gets up and walks over to us and goes in for the highfive, "Who' the lady?" Ashes turns around in the direction the guy was refering to which was me. "Oh, this is Rainne Meyer, she's the noob in this town."

"Oh, thanks, Ash."

The guys nods toward me, "What's up, Rainne? I'm Levi and they--" he gestures to the Asian and then to the girl from the library, "are  Kate Moss and Avery Mitchell." I give a small and practical wave to them both and Ash nudges me toward the stairwell, as we walk I turn over my shoulder, "It was nice meeting you guys!"

 We walk upstairs to the pool area, "Wait, why are we here?"

"Well, while you are Charlie were out, I discovered the coolest thing."

"Chlorine synthetic rectangles?"

"No, well yes, but something better," He hands me a shower cap, "Look, follow me." He dives into the pool and I follow suit, we get to the oposite end before he reaches a pool vent and breaks it off, and walks through. Skeptical of why he is in a pool vent, I go through as well. 

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