Avengers [TaeMina ft. Bangtwice]

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Might make this a series... sort of addicted to Wanda Vision and I've been loving their relationship so I'm gonna write a few oneshots about them. Heheheheh...

Characters (These are their powers, sorry I couldn't include everyone :P)

Captain America - Namjoon

Iron Man - Jeongyeon

Black Widow - Momo

Thor - Jungkook

Hulk - Chaeyoung

Vision - Taehyung

Hawkeye - Tzuyu

Scarlett Witch (Wanda) - Mina

"So you're just a righteous nerd who got super strength?"

Jungkook chuckles and gently pushes Tzuyu aside, "Be nice." Taehyung adds from the side, "She just doesn't miss." Tzuyu smiles and winks at Taehyung while he smiles back.

They were currently in a jet on their way to their next mission. A secret organization, JYPE, was currently using an infinity stone to experiment on individuals trying to give them powers so the Avengers decided to take matters into their own hands.

Jungkook, Chaeyoung, Teahyung, Tzuyu, Namjoon, Jeongyeon, and Momo were all prepared to storm into the JYPE base to find these weapons and destroy them at all costs.

Namjoon smiles, "Respect your elders, Tzuyu. I could have dated your grandma." Tzuyu smirks then turns her eyes to meet Chaeyoung's. Jungkook already knows what she's gonna say and says, "Don't you dare." Chaeyoung challenges Tzuyu with a playful stare and Tzuyu wasn't going to miss this shot.

"So are you Ant-Man?"

Everyone's eyes widen as Chaeyoung lets out an arrogant smirk. She stands and says, "I'll show you who's-"

Jeongyeon stood up and tried to calm everyone down. Chaeyoung moves next to Tzuyu who ends up hugging her in apology as Jeongyeon smiles, "You talk a lot for a gal with a bow and arrow." Tzuyu sticks out her tongue as Momo raises her hand, "Where are we going again?"

Taehyung adds, "And why did everyone have to come? I could have just walked through the walls and break anything they had in here."

Namjoon says, "See that infinity stone in your head? They used it in the past to create weapons and we're here to destroy it."

Chaeyoung asks, "So hulk smash?" Jeongyeon smiles and ruffles the shorter girls' head. "Yeah, smash when we're there."

Tzuyu asks, "How hard could it be?"

Suddenly, the hatch opens and they're prepared to drop. Jungkook extends his hand to retrieve mjolnir and he flies out of the jet. Taehyung slowly hovers out while Momo, Tzuyu, and Namjoon get parachutes to jump out. Jeongyeon summons her suit then flies out while Chaeyoung drops down with no parachute.

Chaeyoung transforms into her She-Hulk form and smashes directly on top of enemy vehicles.

Namjoon says, "Clear a way for Jeongyeon and Taehyung! We clear out the enemies out here while they find the weapons!"

Tzuyu quickly climbs a tree and prepares her bow. She had to make sure there were no snipers from a far and she had to challenge them with only her bow and arrow. She scanned around the area and starts unloading her variety of arrows onto enemy heads.

Momo was with Namjoon. Namjoon threw his shield which disobeyed the laws of physics and ricocheted off trees and into enemy bodies. Momo was by him using her expertise skills in close combat making sure no one could hit Namjoon behind his back.

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